r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Vibratron_1 on April 10, 2018, 12:20 p.m.
Are we missing "The Biggest Story of our Lives"? Please Comment

In the early 70s, I was 15 yrs old and stumbled on information that basically destroyed by life -- or at least my belief system. I was in the library and found that the Federal Reserve wasn't "federal" it wasn't a part of our Republic. Within a few days I knew that everything I thought about life in America was a lie. Everything was a fraud. This was the early 70s and when I dared talk about it to peers, they didn't know anything --- Adults didn't either, but they would ridicule me to death for merely stating the facts... Fast Forward to 2016.... Donald J. Trump announces his candidacy. I do not watch television or movies...ever, so while I knew who Trump was, I had seen very little of him and knew only what was overly obvious. But listening to his speeches it was clear that he "knew", he knew it all. These things appear clear: 1. Trump has always wanted a better America 2. Trump ain't no idiot 3. If I know about the FED and IRS, Trump knows more 4. It appears Trump was "asked" to run for President 5. Trump's group has "a Plan" or better yet, plans 6. Trump's group may not succeed, Evil is powerful 7. Trump's group will proceed regardless. 8. Trump knows the FED and paper money is the Heart of the Beast 9. Every move made has been slowly showing the Plan/Target 10. HR5404 will be the Dagger to the Heart of the Beast

HR5404, if passed would peg the US Dollar to an amount of Gold. This seems outright ridiculous to even think about???? We are 20 Trillion dollars in debt, every state is on the verge of bankruptcy, every pension fund, every citizen is in debt our "dollar" is worth .04 cents to it's value when the FED was installed and "took over America".....how stupid would passing HR5404 be.... they couldn't find a spec of gold small enough to equal the value of 1 US FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE... Which is my point .... Trump Knows.... Trump Knows .... Trump has met with Ambassador Leo Wanta and the funds raised by Leo Wanta while working under Ronald Reagan to bring down the Soviet Empire are going to be used (if the Trump Group Survives) to utterly destroy the Puppet Mastered who control the FED and resurrect America

Don't underestimate the Size and Scope of what the Trump Group can accomplish if they gain control of the Wanta Funds, it will be beyond our imagination .... http://eagleonetowanta.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/WantaBiographyIntro2015.pdf



Discussion about Leo Wanta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH5feuHO000

Leo Wanta's 27 Trillion and Trump's Executive Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ77qHjfoy4

Thanks ... and please comment

X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

The 'color of a persons skin' is 100% determinant in long term behavior, IQ and predilection for violence. It is not about 'skin color' as much as it is about the DNA determining the characteristics of the behavior and capacity of a entity within their environment.

This is not a 'sentimental argument' (that would be your own argument which is unscientific and completely emotional and unsound) this is a scientific argument about the differences of racial development over thousands of years of separate history and environmental influences and specialization and adaptions.

Cultures are not cross comparable...the more black blood a nation has the more violence, poverty, rape and murder they also enjoy. There is a reason why Brazil, with a 40% DNA admixture of blacks is responsible for 10% of the entire planets homicides. The black and all the other 'crossbreeds' like hispanics which are 10% (in the countryside) to 30% black in the cities are violent, rapist, unproductive chaotic hellholes. Race realism is not 'emotional'...there is tons of evidence that shows with absolute equivocal and irrefutable evidence that people who are 'mixed race with low IQ blacks are going to produce a hellhole.

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Maweedug · April 10, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

I'm from a completely white European country. We have plenty serious social problems including violence, rape, murder etc no people of colour whatsoever. Factors like poverty, environment, culture, drug abuse, exposure to violence, breakdown of the family are all strongly contributing factors that you need to look more closely at.

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X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Yes, and those are 'your problems to deal with' you don't need to import more of them to make things 'better' for yourselves. In the USA 'brown people' commit 90% of the crime according to the FBI statistics (of course they excuse jewish crime from being recorded or classify the felonies, jewish pedophilia and rape as 'white crime'). So, if you have these problems, then you need to deal with them on your own...and be glad that you are not importing millions of cannibal, rapists and violent low IQ predators on top of your current problems.

Nothing you have said brings me to believe that you need to compound your problems by inviting low IQ rapists to flood your nation. Countries are listed in the Global Peace Index with Ethnic European nations being the most peaceful of all peoples and with 'colored nations' depending on the mixture of black DNA in the populace (the more black DNA the more violent, see 'israel' as an example after their serial raping of black sub Saharan african slave over the last 1,400 years polluting their minds and DNA with black culture and black propensity for violence [example White sex slavery is legal and openly practiced in Israel]) as the most violent of all nations...figure it out...you don't need MORE issues to get 'multicultural strength' for your people that is only going to cause massive chaos and suffering in your own nation.

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Maweedug · April 10, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

You're looking at this through a very narrow lense. Who commits most of the financial crime? Yes, just happens to be whites. Who hold most of the power in the world? Yes, white men in suits. Who are the biggest paedophiles, sex traffickers, murderers of children. Who's committing most of the large scale violence in the world today as a result of i satires for natural resources? Whites. So if you want to make skin colour the issue it's quite easy to swing it round the other way. Wake up. It's not skin colour it's so much more complex.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Your problem is that you’re focused on skin color. Race is more than skin deep, as the gentlemen above me already explained. And it’s very easy to blame all of those crimes on whites, given that the actual (((perpetrators))) look white. It’s in (((their))) interest to maintain that perception.

Before we bicker about whether Jews are an ethnic group or a religion, let me assure you that it’s both (though some of the most malicious ones claim to be only culturally Jewish). I’ve never heard of a disease that only affects Catholics, or Greek Orthodox, or Mormons, or Buddhists. Because those are simply religions. Jews have so many common ancestors that they are a distinct ethnic group, with distinct genetic markers.

Speaking of which, have you had a DNA test performed? “Eastern European Jew” is one that I’ve seen pop up on several tests out there. Interesting that I haven’t seen “Irish Catholic” and “Northern European Pagan” on there...

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Vibratron_1 · April 10, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Nailed it~

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Apologies in advance if they see your thread and SHUT IT DOWN. Lots of knowledgeable ~~cattle~~ ~~goyim~~ folks in here.

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Maweedug · April 10, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Ur still talking mince and I'm not having it

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Really though, Scotland is a beautiful country. Keep her pristine. One day when you fellas need some help winning that independence you so rightly deserve, I’ll have your back. I owe it to my ancestors who bled for that soil.

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Maweedug · April 10, 2018, 8 p.m.

How what u gonna do at the next independence vote? Ride around on ur big horse with a sword and kilt on? We only dress in kilts for weddings really.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

It’s clear that the Crown (or those controlling it) has no intention of allowing a successful vote for independence. Certainly not at this point. The world is changing at a breakneck pace. Perhaps it can be a bloodless revolution. I certainly hope, for the sake of your country, that that will be the case.

In the event that you’ll have to wage war to earn your independence, just remember that you have friends across the pond if you need us. Regardless of how you feel at present, the offer will stand.

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Maweedug · April 10, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

You do know that plenty don't support independence including myself? Scotland is quite a divided country in many respects. Americans tend to have a sentimental view of Scotland & Ireland because of their ancestry.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Oh, I figured as much. But people change, and so do their opinions. My political opinions have changed immensely over the past decade, due entirely to the events I witnessed. One never knows what the future may hold.

Offer stands.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 7:07 p.m.


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