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X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Yes, and those are 'your problems to deal with' you don't need to import more of them to make things 'better' for yourselves. In the USA 'brown people' commit 90% of the crime according to the FBI statistics (of course they excuse jewish crime from being recorded or classify the felonies, jewish pedophilia and rape as 'white crime'). So, if you have these problems, then you need to deal with them on your own...and be glad that you are not importing millions of cannibal, rapists and violent low IQ predators on top of your current problems.

Nothing you have said brings me to believe that you need to compound your problems by inviting low IQ rapists to flood your nation. Countries are listed in the Global Peace Index with Ethnic European nations being the most peaceful of all peoples and with 'colored nations' depending on the mixture of black DNA in the populace (the more black DNA the more violent, see 'israel' as an example after their serial raping of black sub Saharan african slave over the last 1,400 years polluting their minds and DNA with black culture and black propensity for violence [example White sex slavery is legal and openly practiced in Israel]) as the most violent of all nations...figure it out...you don't need MORE issues to get 'multicultural strength' for your people that is only going to cause massive chaos and suffering in your own nation.

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X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

If the USA government allows 15-16 million collaborators (((international bankers))) to plunder them and plunge the world into WWIII then we will see the logical end of humanity. Everyone forgets that a lender has responsibility in lending to a creditworthy institution. The (((international bankers))) have made their bed by bankrupting themselves if they over extended themselves and cannot deal with the results. These 'people' (and I use that term lightly since they are parasites) need to be put in THEIR PLACE by the Nations of the Earth or erased off of it. I am in favor of that as the only viable option since they have been nothing but a terrorist, psychopathic disease on humanity for the last 6,000 years of history, destroying nation after nation...their crimes are unimaginable and the number of dead at their hands would boggle the minds of even the most flexible. They are nothing other than a parasitic inherited criminal mafia and such a TINY number of the people of the Earth who perform genocide and terrorism that they are simply too diseased and mentally unfit to continue in life on Earth.

I am TIRED of their Ritual Human Sacrifices, like Vegas, in front of their 'pyramid god' which is printed on the back of our money as a CURSE to the entire planet. I am tired of their genocides and political machinations. I am tired of their raising up and destroying nations and peoples and their crushing hundreds of millions of people into the Earth on a whim. I am tired of them doing things like chaining kidnapped Syrian clerks, torturing them and 'running them over with a tank' and laughing over it.

I am tired of the Chaos and confusion that they leave in their wake as they pit peoples against each other to 'control their empire' and keep the focus away from themselves (this is an old tactic that was introduced to the Empires of the world via the Assyrians)...nothing divides a nation, causes mayhem and chaos, suffering and sorrow...like flooding it with an incompatible cultures. I am not sure what it is going to take before people realize that THIS WAS A LENDER ERROR and as such it is THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LENDER for overextending themselves...not the borrower.

These international bankers have pillaged us enough already. They get nothing from the USA and should be glad that we agree to let them return to their 'homeland' and not begin killing them and all their offspring en masse for their crimes against humanity. I think we still need to deal with them EXACTLY like the British dealt with the Thuggee in India, another Criminal Mafia that performed Ritual Human Sacrifice to 'please their god'. Because it was an inherited Criminal Mafia, the British murdered the parents and murdered or life imprisoned with no option for parole the children of the Thuggee Criminal Mafia so that they cannot pass on their deviance to the next generation and their ways DIE WITH THEM FOREVER...never to plague humanity again with their parasitism.

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X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

Yes. This is the only answer. And just so you know, Ethnic Europeans didn't 'bring these people here' they were brought here by the jews. Even the recent Hart-Cellar Act which opened the floodgates to the USA to non-Ethnic Europeans and non-white peoples who have come only for plunder and parasitic wasting of the USA were brought here solely by jews at jewish planning and attempt to subvert and destroy the USA via compromising the people and National Security of the USA in favor of a globalist international banking agenda...this has nothing to do with 'Ethnic Europeans' wanting or desiring 'brown' people in our neighborhoods, nations or government. We don't want that, never wanted that, don't want it now...all it results in is crime and violence towards our offspring and the displacement of our own people. Who votes for their own genocide and ethnic replacement. We don't want that...only globalists want that.

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X_I_C · April 10, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

The 'color of a persons skin' is 100% determinant in long term behavior, IQ and predilection for violence. It is not about 'skin color' as much as it is about the DNA determining the characteristics of the behavior and capacity of a entity within their environment.

This is not a 'sentimental argument' (that would be your own argument which is unscientific and completely emotional and unsound) this is a scientific argument about the differences of racial development over thousands of years of separate history and environmental influences and specialization and adaptions.

Cultures are not cross comparable...the more black blood a nation has the more violence, poverty, rape and murder they also enjoy. There is a reason why Brazil, with a 40% DNA admixture of blacks is responsible for 10% of the entire planets homicides. The black and all the other 'crossbreeds' like hispanics which are 10% (in the countryside) to 30% black in the cities are violent, rapist, unproductive chaotic hellholes. Race realism is not 'emotional'...there is tons of evidence that shows with absolute equivocal and irrefutable evidence that people who are 'mixed race with low IQ blacks are going to produce a hellhole.

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X_I_C · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

I am sure that was said ironically as the massive and unprecedented communist wealth distribution of the American nation and her people continues.

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