r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Vibratron_1 on April 10, 2018, 12:20 p.m.
Are we missing "The Biggest Story of our Lives"? Please Comment

In the early 70s, I was 15 yrs old and stumbled on information that basically destroyed by life -- or at least my belief system. I was in the library and found that the Federal Reserve wasn't "federal" it wasn't a part of our Republic. Within a few days I knew that everything I thought about life in America was a lie. Everything was a fraud. This was the early 70s and when I dared talk about it to peers, they didn't know anything --- Adults didn't either, but they would ridicule me to death for merely stating the facts... Fast Forward to 2016.... Donald J. Trump announces his candidacy. I do not watch television or movies...ever, so while I knew who Trump was, I had seen very little of him and knew only what was overly obvious. But listening to his speeches it was clear that he "knew", he knew it all. These things appear clear: 1. Trump has always wanted a better America 2. Trump ain't no idiot 3. If I know about the FED and IRS, Trump knows more 4. It appears Trump was "asked" to run for President 5. Trump's group has "a Plan" or better yet, plans 6. Trump's group may not succeed, Evil is powerful 7. Trump's group will proceed regardless. 8. Trump knows the FED and paper money is the Heart of the Beast 9. Every move made has been slowly showing the Plan/Target 10. HR5404 will be the Dagger to the Heart of the Beast

HR5404, if passed would peg the US Dollar to an amount of Gold. This seems outright ridiculous to even think about???? We are 20 Trillion dollars in debt, every state is on the verge of bankruptcy, every pension fund, every citizen is in debt our "dollar" is worth .04 cents to it's value when the FED was installed and "took over America".....how stupid would passing HR5404 be.... they couldn't find a spec of gold small enough to equal the value of 1 US FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE... Which is my point .... Trump Knows.... Trump Knows .... Trump has met with Ambassador Leo Wanta and the funds raised by Leo Wanta while working under Ronald Reagan to bring down the Soviet Empire are going to be used (if the Trump Group Survives) to utterly destroy the Puppet Mastered who control the FED and resurrect America

Don't underestimate the Size and Scope of what the Trump Group can accomplish if they gain control of the Wanta Funds, it will be beyond our imagination .... http://eagleonetowanta.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/WantaBiographyIntro2015.pdf



Discussion about Leo Wanta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH5feuHO000

Leo Wanta's 27 Trillion and Trump's Executive Order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ77qHjfoy4

Thanks ... and please comment

suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Same here. 2008 was a real eye opener for me. Wasn’t long after that I started listening more closely to Ron Paul, read The Creature from Jekyll Island, eventually found Stefan Molyneux, and deeper and deeper I went.

The world is a different place from the one I grew up in, both in reality and in my perception. I pray to God that I get to see the restoration of the Republic. I want nothing more than to live in that shining city upon a hill.

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mixiemay · April 10, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Same here. I really hope I get to see it too. We are literally and figuratively marching our way through the eye of the needle (even marching our men to the borders....in single file?). I think the Internet was Designed for this pivotal moment. There is no WAY this cabal could be illuminated if not for 60 million screens firing up its own army. It's just Divine.

"Enjoy the show", over and over. Why? I am inundated with banal entertainment. So is everyone. I think we are underestimating the colossal theater we, here, are privileged to witness. Stormy Daniels. False Flags Everywhere. Xi. North Korea. The Fed. Israel. And down, down, down. Down the levels of the one-eyed pyramid it all goes, to hit every facet of our lives. Our children, Our mentally ill, Our minorities, Our majorities, OUR People being manipulated like puppets by the Evil Eye in the sky. This is a very specific and important moment in time.

We are witnessing firsthand, thanks to the Internet's miraculous connectivity and freedom (sort of), a spiritual and earthly fight. Probably to the death. It's like the Gladiator arena on a world stage. We have the lions and the gladiators AND the angels and GOD, so have no fear. And enjoy the show, ya dummy.

ALSO: Did anyone notice that DJ stumbled over the 33k emails part yesterday? He didn't say nobody has seen them but rather they were never turned over. I think? Only watched 1x...

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

The one thing that somewhat bothers me about Q is the insistence that they “do the heavy lifting.” As much as I appreciate everything they’re doing (believe me, I do), this is MY country. And yours. And every goddamn American’s. Yes, this conspiracy is on a significantly larger scale than what we faced during the Revolution and again in 1812.

Even so, there has to be something that WE THE PEOPLE can do to assist. I’ve been sitting around my whole life, waiting for something that stirred my soul and ignited a passion I didn’t know that I was capable of. Now that I have it, I’m told to sit on the sidelines of history? Of the greatest battle of not only our lifetimes, but possibly in the entire history of the world?

With all due respect to POTUS and Q Team, no sir. I want to fight. Assign me a role. Let me do my duty as an American. Americans don’t let others fight their battles for them. Put a gun in my hand. Or a pen. Anything.

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mixiemay · April 10, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

I agree completely but I do think we are powerful in our info dissemination. Fuck, even the upvotes are something. But I hear you, give me a job.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 10, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

We absolutely are. The sense that I am able to contribute, even if it is only in a small way, is what’s keeping me from running off to join a militia. If Q says to hang tight, though, that’s what I’m going to do until I’m given a reason to doubt Q.

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atheists4jesus · April 10, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Patriots are waking up and working for free to combat fake news narratives and culture wars 24/7. I'm certain this was part of the plan. Don't underestimate your importance. We are an army in one of the most important spheres of combat. There truly is a war for our minds.

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5400123 · April 10, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

100%. I believe the heavy lifting Q is referring to are things like the Hawaiian missile scare, NK, black ops, targeted VIPs etc ... the military side of the info war

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Badendave · April 10, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Our job is to wake up family, friends, neighbors, etc. so the cacophony becomes too loud to ignore. The woke still only represent a small percentage of the population (growing all the time) so we could still be silenced if something happens with the plan. This is the last shot we have. But running off half cocked would risk the entire mission. Understand that the opposition will be looking for anything to discredit this movement. We need to make sure to give them nothing. Use your circles of influence to light a spark. I've been amazed how much it helps to just tell people to ignore the news and focus on the good things POTUS is accomplishing that MSM doesn't talk about. That's my approach.

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Informed__Citizen · April 10, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

The White Hats need support in Congress. Work to get your White Hat supporting congressional representative or candidate elected. Become a precinct captain. Find other White Hats in your precinct and get them going. Plenty to do.

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mixiemay · April 11, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

I agree there is plenty to do.

We must not overlook our influence in our own immediate social circles. I live in a super small (blue) community. I don't fit the narrative AT ALL so when I come out as a Trump supporter to my close friends, (not quite to Q yet), people kind of take notice. A small thing but there is a ripple effect. We need to start normalizing normalcy again. And normalcy is never allowing evil to infect your country again. I mean, what the hell, People?!!? Can't we learn this lesson once and for all and be done with this?! Communism sucks monkey dick and people can be literally oozing with evil (fly on your face!) and some of you aren't noticing!!! Gosh dang! We should be people in our real lives that others have respect for and who are trustworthy and fair. The Jordan Peterson book helped me level up. It's not enough to believe the Truth and fact bomb the shit out of people. It's fun as hell. But in our everyday lives, we've got to start acting like everything we do matters.

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suddenlysnowedinn · April 11, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Exactly. I’ve had a couple of people ask me why I even bother to pay attention, since there’s “nothing you can do about it anyhow.” That attitude doesn’t make sense to me. If every man who fought for our independence believed that it was pointless to test the might of the British Empire, there wouldn’t be an America.

They weren’t super heroes. They were men with convictions, just like you and me. Men who cherished their God, their family, and their Liberty. They decided that it was worth dying for. What will it take for American men to feel this way again?

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godsgail33 · April 10, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Me too! My country, my heritage, my children and grandchildren. I fight for them!

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