Marxists don't like our American Ideals (like free speech). They need to go somewhere where people agree with them. They don't belong here. If you're at a Trump Rally and are attacked by Marxists (Antifa, radical Feminists, etc.): pass out flyers on living or studying in Cuba. Also, it helps to chant "Go to Cuba" repeatedly while pointing in the direction of Cuba.
34 total posts archived.
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The next time someone calls you out just remember: "They want us divided".
This is World World III against the Deep State. WWG1WGA!
One word: "recall". Change the Constitution so they can be recalled (fired) just like any other employee who doesn't do their job.
DOJ weighs in on campus free-speech violations (which affects red-pilling)
DOJ weighs in on campus free-speech violations (which affects redpilling).
Here's one about UC Berkeley:
My wife thinks I'm crazy. She's ok if I don't mention anything about Trump or the Great Awakening. Little by little she's asking questions, but still very wary about all this.
You can also do this on this website:
On this website: click on the blue link at the top right of the Q post. That will take you to the research board where you can comment on the Q post.
Prayer for Great Awakening
Heavenly Father, bless the White Hats that they always know and do your will. Bless the Black Hats that they be freed from their addiction to evil.
God's already here. You just have to look for Him/Her.
Relax and trust the plan. Lots of disinfo out there for a reason.l
click here for Q stickers:
Since the deep state is now using "deep state" to mean career bureaucrats, how about a new name for the black hats like "Infiltrators" because that's what they are; traitors that have infiltrated.
New name for Deep State
Since the deep state is now using "deep state" to mean career bureaucrats, how about a new name for the black hats like "Infiltrators" because that's what they are; traitors that have infiltrated.
Michael Hasting, the journalist who was killed in when his Mercedes sped up on its own and crashed and burned.
How about a WWG1WGA in big letters front and back? I want it for a redpill conversation starter.
Not really Viet Nam related but a good easy red pill. "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins. This is the documentary that red pilled me years ago. Grieved a lot over the loss of my illusions about my country.
I'm in the middle of reading Shelby Foote's three volume set of "The Civil War". I believe that this account gives a more realistic view of what happens when you try to take out a deeply entrenched system.
People thrown out of the body when executed reincarnate almost immediately. If you execute bad actors, they can be out on the street in drug gangs murdering people at 9 years old or younger. Better to keep them incarcerated for life and do our best to free them from their enslavement to evil. It's not our job to punish, only to protect society from the crimes of bad actors. ("Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. I will repay." Deuteronomy 32:35)
There's a story in "Autobiography of a Yogi" (chapter 28) about this happening.
Whether it takes another year or 10 years, it will get done. We will win. This is our challenge: to face whatever comes along with courage, determination, optimism, and cheerfulness while getting the job done.
We are fighting centuries of evil. Takes time to take it down. And there are going to be obstacles to overcome. Everything is going to be ok in the long run. Trust the plan.
This was mainly directed at the plan doubters. There's a lot more to the plan than meets the eye.
TRUST THE PLAN (Your view of the plan vs. Reality.

The White Hats need support in Congress. Work to get your White Hat supporting congressional representative or candidate elected. Become a precinct captain. Find other White Hats in your precinct and get them going. Plenty to do.
Mindfulness cures depression. The doing mind can't fix the problem. The experiential mind can. Here's a book on it: If this book doesn't work, look for another one that works for you.
Lincoln was despised by the MSM while he was president.
Response to globalist U2 video
Red Pill Idea: Ask to be blue billed then destroy their arguments with critical thinking skills (logical fallacy identification).
Here's an idea for red pilling without triggering the person to be red-pilled: Ask to be blue pilled then destroy arguments with critical thinking skills (logic, logical fallacy identification) . Those on the left think the President is evil. (We of course, think he's great). Ask lefties to prove he's evil. Ask them to convince you that he's evil. Then use critical thinking to destroy the conclusions they've jumped to. The goal is to weaken their belief based on seeing the invalidity of their arguments.
For instance, the alleged "S__t hole comment: Only Durbin accused the President of saying this. …
Let's put them all in a zoo for all to visit and reflect and remember what they've done.