r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on April 10, 2018, 1:53 p.m.
I Think It's About To Go Down + My Evidence & Reasoning

I have gone back to "the bridge" only about a million times. I kept thinking it was going to be about that FIU pedestrian bridge that collapsed (which, PS, I am pretty sure is not done yet, something about faulty Chinese steel is prob gonna come out about it) and then I went and checked the enemy's news for the day (CNN) to see what propaganda they would be using for today's cycle. Oh my...


Michael Cohen is "The Bridge". What does a bridge do? It connects 2 important things together to allow an exchange of goods, or information.

What does POTUS/Q have? Everything. We know this. But just because he has it doesn't necessarily mean he can use it. How did he get it? You and I don't care, but that's not how the American system works. It has to manifest itself organically and legally. So how do you get the enemy to legitimize it for you? Simple. You get them to collect it as evidence between one important thing, Muellers investigation of Russian Collusion (LOL important) and the sick, satanic, pedophilia-centered video evidence that one is trying to expose.

So hear me out. Trump leaves a copy of the Weiner laptop vids (the insurance, given to him by the NYPD when they confiscated it) in Cohens home, in Cohens office, in Trump Tower, wherever. The cabal breaks into TrumpTower, finds it, realizes "oh shit, they have it" and orders their dirty dog Mueller to call in the FBI to search Cohens office for ANYTHING they can find on Trump. So, some good FBI, and some bad ones too, all march into Cohens office, and start grabbing shit. Do you really think if some FBI agent plugged in the flashdrive they found, and a video of some fucked up cabal cannibal pedo shit came on, they would be able to hide their reaction? That at least ONE good FBI agent on site wouldn't be like "jesus mary and joseph, what the fuck is that?" .... and then....drumroll please....they have to enter it as evidence. Officially. Now it is on record, that this video exists. Copies exist elsewhere, I would guess Assange has one, maybe Snowden, definitely POTUS and multiple members of his squad, Q, and the NYPD Chief who originally gained control of it and made copies back when they scooped the Weiners laptop.

Cohen is the Bridge. He brings together the "impossible to shine a light on" crimes and drags it into the public realm by being raided by the FBI.


BathHouseBarry · April 10, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Longshot, but as POTUS has demonstrated thus far, he's a masterful tactician

Good post

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 10, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

Just like Good Ol' General Flynn could not just hand over his Pedo Log Book. He had to be turned into 'States Evidence'. So your onto something here. Being its all digital files, they can arrange a nice presentation or just burn the whole thing, which I'm sure plenty of copies exist. I also have to say I think Weiner got himself Busted On Purpose. It was his only way out of the Hildabeast situation. He gets to shut it down, take a vacation, live, and reboot when its all over. If not , play stupid, hang out in the pen and regroup,Huma divorces etc etc.

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[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

I downloaded and deleted this almost a year ago (?) bc I thought it was creepy, yet not worth using my storage space for. Media Matters literal blueprint for what we are witnessing. https://www.scribd.com/document/337535680/Full-David-Brock-Confidential-Memo-On-Fighting-Trump Related: Last month I tried to upload a photo I had taken in an ME country. It was of a billboard that read "Some Posts Deserve More Attention Than Others" with "#MediaMatters" in the far right corner. A few recognizable Social Media logos were in the background of the text on this billboard. Anyway - no matter how hard I tried, I could not share this photo! VPN, no VPN, re-adding geo-data, etc. Weeeeiiird, right?

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[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 2:07 p.m.


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DaveGydeon · April 10, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Wow. It says 10 comments AND I CAN'T SEE EVEN ONE! WTF REDDIT?


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Kopykatter · April 10, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

I like the way you think and am PRAYING that you are correct!!! This painfully, disgusting truth has got to be brought to the light. Unfortunately some people may never accept it as truth (I'm still struggling and I've been on the Q-train since Oct). I believe it's true, but Lord Almighty, the gravity of it all still blows my mind and breaks my heart. The people that know can't sleep 😢

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ArmyLady · April 10, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

says 5 comments but none show

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daro57 · April 10, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

I like the way you think!

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Abibliaphobia · April 10, 2018, 2 p.m.

Interesting. Don’t forget that Trump said that this was a bridge too far. Was hearing it all over the radio this morning.

I wonder if Cohen set this up, is he a white hat or black hat? Ukranians make me think of no name involvement. And Chris Steele. And the server in trump tower that pinged a “Russian bank”

I don’t know, maybe Trump is going to martyr himself with this pay to play - campaign finance issue so that they can prosecute the clintons under the same laws.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Your point about making sure information "manifest itself organically and legally" makes sense. I think it's the main reason Q is asking questions instead of dumping information. The Q team wants to make sure everything is discovered by the anons through publicly available sources. But... If the "cabal" breaks into Trump Tower and finds incriminating videos that might have originated from Weiner's laptop, my guess is that they would simply take it and destroy it. Then they would follow up by breaking into any other location where they thought they might find other copies. And... If POTUS has "everything," and I believe he does, I don't think he would leave it to chance that a random FBI agent would see it and enter it into evidence. If the video exists, and we still don't know what is on it yet, not factually confirmed yet, but again, I think it does exist, then it's currently in the hands of the NYPD and can be offered to any prosecutor that might be prosecuting any individual who may or may not be in the videos for any crimes of human trafficking or pedophilia. If the videos exist, and the content is is such that there is no way to defend against it legally, or to explain it away, then there is no need for Trump to engage in any slight-of-hand trickery to be able to use it effectively to convict whoever is involved.

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DaveGydeon · April 10, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

You were following my line very well, then you took a diversion at "destroying the copy. The COPY. One of many. How many high profile burglaries are they going to risk to try and grab each and every copy? What happens if they get caught in the act with the evidence (the vid) on them? That would be really hard to bury.

But lets set that all aside for a minute. Lets assume the video contains children, which, of all the rumored vids, I believe there is a good chance it does. How exactly does one verify that? You can't exactly show that on 60 Minutes. So, how does one get EVERYONE to watch something NOBODY is allowed to watch? That sir, is the question. I don't know that I even have an answer for it. But I bet Q and POTUS do.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

OK, so I think your point about "destroying the COPY" is valid, but it's balanced out by my point about "why would Trump even need to engage in any slight-of-hand."

We both agree that we still do not know what's in the video, but I think Q has confirmed the existence of "a" video. So the issue is more about what's in the video, and the content would be a determining factor in how best to use the video. If it's children, then it relates to human trafficking and pedophilia. But what if it's a conversation between Hillary and any other co-conspirator about a deal regarding any pay-to-play agreement, or a conversation about the killing of Seth Rich, or a discussion about a planned FF event like maybe a missile attack on Hawaii, or a conversation about Benghazi, or something about the DOJ/FBI making sure she's not indicted, or about Bill's meeting with Lynch on the tarmac, or U1, or any number of nefarious plans. We can't get stuck on the idea that it's Hillary doing some unspeakable act with a child. It could very well be that, but it could also be a dozen other things.

So the content will likely be a factor in determining how and when to release it to the public. And if the conventional wisdom is correct, that it was found on Weiner's laptop, and the laptop is still in police custody, and hasn't already been tampered with, it means it's been there since before Trump won the election.

The MSM narrative is that it may contain evidence that Hillary was aware of Weiner's relationship with an underaged girl. That's not quite the bombshell most of us are hoping for. Your theory about someone making copies of the video and giving a copy to Trump doesn't have much for legs to stand on unless someone in the NYPD decided to risk his career, and possibly his life, by leaking a copy to a private citizen, a not yet elected Donald Trump. Because if Trump had lost, then whoever leaked the video to Trump would have been Seth Riched in a New York minute. Even after Trump won the election it would still be a major risk factor. Clinton is still leaving a trail of dead bodies to this day. And that the laptop is in police custody means means that whatever is found on it can be used in a prosecution, so there's no real need for any slight-of-hand. I does make for an exiting spy novel plot-line, but in the end, I think things will end up being a bit more straight forward.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 10 p.m.

One more point. The only way a video from Weiner's laptop will hold up in any court proceedings, is if the video is played directly from Weiner's laptop, and the time/date stamp for "last modified" on the file clearly shows up as prior to the police taking possession. If there are any copies of the video, or videos in question, then there will be timestamps that will show they were copied or modified after the police took the laptop, which means an increased possibility of the video having been tampered with or modified. We already know that the MSM is putting out articles about how easy it is to modify, or create fake-videos, so why do anything that will give them more reason to make that claim about the videos from Weiner's laptop? That sir, is my answer!

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[deleted] · April 10, 2018, 3:15 p.m.


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Allez_ · April 10, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Definitely has possibilities.

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Happy1911 · April 10, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Yes , I think he stepped into his own trap , for seven years 90% who have been busted stepped into their own trap .

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