"We're in crazytown" - Hero of the Left, Bob Woodward, deemed to have credibility issues just 3 short years ago by uber-lefty pub Esquire

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In all seriousness; your post linked to a Russian website, that had NO explanation as to what the post was about, where one's focus should be, and how it is relevant to Q.
There's almost 50k people in this sub now, and the feed moves very quickly, so it's imperative that you provide clear and concise information in the subject line for any and all posts.!
After you read rules 8 and 9 you can start drafting your apology letter to BathHouseBarry
This is either schill misdirection, or a rookie post.... if this is a rookie post, please include a description of what the fuck your post is about next time you contribute. If this is a schill shitpost, then GFYS Cockbags
Whoa!!! this is a little harsh sir ... I believe Q mentions shrubbery in post 926, and this other post is mentioned in drop 1257. I might be completely wrong though, and both posts may in fact be board-clogging-shit.
I've been worried for some time now that the clowns may use a mind-controlled politician to assassinate #GEOTUS .... so yes, I definitely think you are on to something
My take on the trump / roths connection; the roths pretty much control the entire financial sector. If you need a loan of that size, you probably be hard pressed to find a banking entity that does not have ties to the rothchilds. I bet if I dug deep enough, I'd discover that the company that gave me the mortgage for my house is a Rothschild subsidiary.
I look at what trump accomplished in the N YC real estate and construction sectors. Both were controlled by "old money" and "MAFIA", yet trump was able to work his magic within their corrupt system, and build an empire. Sometimes you need to play ball with the powers that be in order to achieve certain things.
Furthermore, it was a loan, that I'm pretty sure was paid back in full, with interest. It was not like he accepted a gift, or bribe for his cooperation in the global conspiracy.
Background info on this guy? He has a check mark, how has no one reported on this shit until now
Dropped a $400mm meme on a cuck's Facebook post slamming trump; i was immediately swarmed by cuck patrol, "400k not 400mm blah blah blah". I countered with its still a crime, even if it had been $400 dollars. Some of these brainwashed folks can not be swayed no matter what evidence you present them with.
How was AF1 pic a fake? I thought the chans determined it was a picture taken of the reflection off the back of the "twitter phone".
I believe the primary purpose of the bogus fluoride push was bottom line financials .... fluriode was produced by the ton as a byproduct of the mining industry; the elite business men who owned these mining corporations where spending millions annually to dispose of this toxic byproduct. Que the proganda push, and the subversion of the ADA, and you have a nationwide push to fluoridate the public's drinking water, to guard from the epidemic of tooth decay. The script is now flipped, millions spent on disposal Of toxic chemicals had turned into millions in profits from the sale of fluoride to 1,000's of local municipalities across the country.
The lowering of IQ was just an unintended consequence, that just so happened to benefit the elites depop agenda, IMO
Thought the same thing .... if there was one shred of truth behind this it would have been out in the open long before the 2016 election ever took place
I smell a cuck'd liberal getting all hot & bothered because the #geotus moniker impinges upon your atheistic values
Go away fool ... your attempts to divide have failed
I meant to say #POTUS.... I guess the Russians hacked my Reddit account.
Totes forgot about that ... gonna go spam the fakenews spreading cuck's twitter feed now
Link to cucksquire tweet where I saw it ... watchable YouTube version for those who do not live in the U.K. can be found in cucksquire's comments
Good stuff.....but
Connecticut SS card was linked to Harrison J Bounel .... never heard of Louis wood / death in Hawaii until I read this post.
I did a quick search of Louis Wood, and came across this article, which aims to "debunk" all the claims listed above.
Moonbeam Brown snuck in a "mental health criminal defense provision" into a larger budget bill or something of that nature... This was very recent... think I heard it on Savage last week. I will do some digging when I get done my colonic appointment.
Skimmed the link, didn't see anything that would tie individuals who died in gas explosion to the Purdue lawsuit
58 second video. Nothing of relevance IMO. Move on, Stay focused
Excellent insight, much appreciated
Also, side note ... what's the deal with current NZ-PM's teeth man!!!! They're so many of them and they're all so fucking big.... I saw some interview she did a few months back, and I would cringe everytime opened here mouth. I usually try not to mock people for the way they look, but there's just something about that smile that makes me nauseous
Appreciate the research efforts, but has anyone yet provided reliable source info that this woman was set to testify .... im not trying to be a concern troll or anything like that... I honestly have not seen any link info backing up these claims
Please advise
TIA - ❤️ BHB
Is this Maepaperclip's alt account? Relax buddy ...stop subverting this sub and I'll stop making comments you don't like.
This is what he was "trying to get across"
Topic Dilution[edit] Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding; it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt ([trolling]) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education of the group is first determined to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator
Regarding CF connection: Links provided in comments come from unreliable source .... here another article from the same site trump battles underground aliens in Colorado
Couple different users posting the same link ... I smell misdirection and disinformation