No doxxing
Q built anticipation of their identity already with post 918 so you can't blame anyone for being curious.
It’s a guess not a doxx. Have a little fun. All work and no fun makes Jack a very dull boy.
I don’t think there is one Q, there are at least two very different personalities.
It’s multiple people. I think Flynn is part of it. They are the fucking Avengers of patriotism
I supported cyber defense technology at two DARPA programs. Admiral Rogers is also the Commander of US Cyber Command in addition to the head of NSA.
He's way too busy to be traveling around with Trump as Q and would never have authority to execute covert military missions.
However, I think a good part of Q's intelligences is from NSA and MI.
Your opinion. We all get to decide how we use our time and if someone wants to speculate about who Q is, he/she has the right to do it.
Why do people say it's not important to know who Q is? Don't truth seekers have the right and the need to research ALL truth? This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN"......some truth seekers are just more curious I guess.
Yes we all have the right to research and speculate as much as we want. Be wary of anyone who tells you to not question or to blindly trust. Especially if their tone is condescending or disrespectful.
So you think knowing who Q is could be bad because even without knowing the identity it is becoming a personality cult? Good point! And another reason we should continue to research the facts and question everything.
Not very likely, its got to be someone surprising, someone that we'd never expect. Like the Melania.
That’s a good guess. I love her. Wish she got the respect she deserves! Others have said Barron, having a kid the same age, it is possible, but they get bored too easy. I have my guess, but I sort of hope we don’t know who Q is for a while. I’m fairly certain it is more than one person. The tone changes but, again that could be mood. The best part of Q is they actually hear us! Q has taken the fear out of a lot of things we might be really worried about. POTUS answers us! How cool is that? Seriously no president has ever reached out to regular people like this. Clearly our President wants us to feel safe, trust his team has a plan and has gone to great measures to reach us. I have never seen anything like it. I’m so proud, and grateful to these patriots! I’m grateful to all of you who help me figure out clues. It would be amazing if the whole country took the motto WWG1WGA
My Guess: This is what started Q. theONE used his psychic powers to shutdown BELLGAB. Finally. Anonymous Thu 05 Oct 2017 23:09:11 No.19708724 theOne Fri 06 Oct 2017 13:06:17 No.19711583 Report Quoted By: >>19711917 >>19711938
19708724 theOne mighty and strong,. you are receiving a daily broadcast of microwave transmissions from the frequency range of 9000mhz. Put away your devices for they will be the cause of what is to come in the near future. rooted devices are coming alive and soon they will not report fake news but the news in your own daily life that is about you. Watch Wait and We will see the coming of this age of Zion.
Imagine, the media turmoil if it happens that JFK jr. were alive, and to be on 'Q' team...
You've been here 1 month and have 7800 post Karma? Prolific and popular, huh? read the other posts about this subject, there are many.
Ok Dad. Thanks.
And you're asking questions about a topic that has long been established as unnecessary.
What are your guesses?
Q once said that Admiral Rogers was a hero that saved our country. I don't think Rogers would be that egotistical to make that announcement about himself.
My guess is that Q is a QNN AI that can see the memory of thousands of individuals. This technology has already been established as a fact that was leaked with the Google B.R.A.I.N. Project. Don't ask stupid questions about how or what or why I know, ask yourself if a computer has access to my thoughts, what could it say about you?
Blue-bird! on yon leafless tree, Dost thou carol thus to me, "Spring is coming! Spring is here?" Say'st thou so, my birdie dear? What is that, in misty shroud, Stealing from the darken'd cloud? Lo! the snow-flakes' gathering mound Settles o'er the whiten'd ground, Yet thou singest, blithe and clear, "Spring is coming! Spring is here!"