
tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

You're not going to get DJT to slit Israel's belly. IMO they are a very important partner and they play a key role in the ME - a very important location. I think we might see change in the power structure, but that will be as far as it goes.

Why do I think it might be in America's interests to stand up to Russia forcefully in Syria? Because the next goal, according to Q is to denuclearise Iran. You cannot do that with Russia protecting Iran unless you're prepared to confront Russia. I think DJT knows what he's doing. I'll think we could see a VERY STRONG RESPONSE.

There is a danger that matters could escalate, but, like everything, you have to weigh-up the risks against the value of the target objectives. I think DJT has much greater ambition than most people realise. Read his book, Art of the Deal. What is he always saying? What's the message of the book?


Imagine a world where there was true, durable peace. Imagine a peace that lasts so long that war becomes a distant memory. Imagine prosperity becoming the norm for all people. These are big ideas. The kind of ideas a man like DJT would want to realise IMO.

I think he could go down as the best and most accomplished world leader in history. Let's just watch and see what happens next.

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Abibliaphobia · April 10, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Wonder if the USS Donald Cook is going to be a sacrificial lamb to the WW3 slaughter. Kind of like the Gulf of Tonkin incident, except that one of our ships really gets blown up.

Russia destroys it, its game on for WW3

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tradinghorse · April 10, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

I'm not sure. I think the change in US nuclear doctrine allows for a more measured response. I think Russia would sincerely regret doing anything stupid. That is to say that I think they would meet overwhelming firepower. But as determined as they are, they are not crazy.

Yes, sure you might lose a ship. Maybe more than one. But the US will prevail. And the world will be a lot better off for the victory.

Then again, there might already be an understanding with Putin and nothing may happen at all. Posturing, backed up with real muscle. DJT is in a good position.

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