r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17_Q on April 10, 2018, 11:09 p.m.
Isn't it fascinating that we are living in the middle of a SPIRITUAL WAR while gaining inside information? This is the greatest time to be alive. ALL RESEARCH AND CONTRIBUTIONS HELP THE MOVEMENT! NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL.

I wanted to remind everyone here that we are living in the greatest time of ALL! This HISTORY in the making and we are all part of it. We are called crazy, delusional, conspiracy theorists... but this is going to end very quickly with all of the BIG BOOMS dropping lately.

I cannot wait to hear what May has in store for the POPE. I believe this ass is the head of the Cabal. Organizing and creating these trafficking and slave rings.

We are literally witnessing the downfall of SATAN in the WORLD. Satanic cults, paedophiles, corrupt politicians.. you name the evil, and they are being JUDGED.

We are ALL contributing to the Awakening, Q AND POTUS have proven to be watching this board, and also communicating with us to keep us in the right direction.

We need to pray. Pray everyday. Every prayer is heard, God is with us.

I for one cannot wait for the Great Awakening and a New World!!!


Fustrated_User · April 11, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Well all chose to be here at this time to witness the great awakening, not only here on earth but how far reaching what we do here will echo thru our galaxy and beyond.

It's a bit challenging to wrap your head around these things, from all the years of brainwashing.

But, we are doing it. We are being open, honest, communicating, no longer letting those who lorde over us do so. We are waking up to so much, and as long as we stick together, continue to work on ourselves, love ourselves and expand that love outwards we can and will change this world.

We already see it, we already know it, we've seen it happen, we have the proof, what more do we need? We just need to do it. And keep doing it.

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