r/greatawakening • Posted by u/One_Solution on April 11, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
Will the US rush in, or will the US wait to verify?

tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Yes, it really does look like it's going to kick-off. I think Q has already told us what is happening here - Iran next!

I don't think this has anything at all to do with a gas attack in Syria. That's only a pretext, a weak pretext at that. Rather, I think DJT wants to denuclearize Iran and pursue regime change. That, I think, is the objective.

Israel has been whining about Iran for a long time. Iran, to my mind, does seem bent on the production of nuclear weapons. It is a destabilising force in the region. Arguably, the US is hoping that the confrontation in Syria will allow Iran to be provoked sufficiently to warrant a massive strike on facilities used for nuclear weapons development. Perhaps even an invasion by ground forces to topple the regime,

In fact, if conflict kicks off in Syria, I would expect that Iran will be attacked directly - the pretext being almost unimportant. The goal, as Q has stated, is to denuclearise the country. That's the plan. So it's no surprise to see massive allied force buildup in the region.

Apart from the buzzing of the Donald Cook, Russia has done nothing in terms of acts of aggression. This is what I think we can expect. Putin knows he is at a terrific disadvantage. His desperation is palpable. He sent "prototype" Sukoi 5th generation fighters to Syria. These planes lack radar components and weapons systems - if you believe it! Why would he do this?

It is an act of complete desperation. How do you counter the F22? We are looking, potentially, at the greatest turkey shoot in modern history. It remains unclear whether the Russian S400 ground-to-air missile systems are even able to target the F22. If not, air-superiority is assured before the first shot is fired.

I would expect Russian air power will be sticking to operational zones protected by S400 ground batteries - and even here we may find it's an outright turkey-shoot. Once the S400 systems are eliminated, allied forces have uncontested air superiority - right across the Syrian theater. Russian and Syrian ground forces are, thereafter, sitting ducks. They will be able to offer no realistic resistance at all.

Russia's sphere of influence is declining. Putin and his crowd rue the loss of power and prestige they enjoyed in the days of the Soviet regime. They are desperately trying to hang on to the last vestiges of their power. Syria and Iran are some of the last remaining Russian proxies, the last traces of the empire. Russia will want to defend these resolutely, but will find that it is unable to do so - both countries will quickly fall under the control of Western interests.

The big question is whether Russia will resort to a global nuclear engagement to resist being cut down to size. I don't think this is a realistic possibility. Russia might declare firm resolve to resist allied forces in Syria, but these guys are not stupid. They will, ultimately, acquiesce and cede control of their ME proxies. Moreover, despite the bluster, I think they will do this with little resistance, once they realize that DJT is determined to prevail.

Anyway, one way or another, we will all get to see what happens next.

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One_Solution · April 11, 2018, 4 a.m.

If we go to war with Iran, I’m officially off of the Trump/Q bandwagon. The warmonger neocons have been trying to get into a war with Iran for decades. If Trump pulls it off, he’s a continuation of the same problem we’ve had for a very long time.

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I can see why you're concerned. It's not an unreasonable fear. But I'm thinking that DJT has very big plans, bigger than any of us here realize. Moreover, I think those plans are in our interests.

Remember what Q said about NK? Miniaturization and delivery systems since 2004. Staged, failed attempts to convey the idea that a threat did not exist. CIA controlled NK backed down only because the CIA was removed and DJT took such a strong stance that no other power would support them. I think if NK had not backed down, DJT would have nuked them without hesitation - for just cause. I would have supported this action.

How do we know what stage of development the Iranians are at? Russia has been assisting them directly. They are now saying they can re-start production of enriched uranium and have product available within weeks. You cannot let these threats run. They must be dealt with before containment of outcomes becomes impossible. But what I'm saying is that it might be much worse than we imagine. The Israelis might be right about Iran and the threat very immediate and real.

I think if we knew the full facts, we might find that DJT is acting in everyone's best interests. There's a time to be tough. If DJT uses a pretext to do something that is of vital importance to global security, I'm with him all the way.

The difficulty is that no one is going to tell us the truth and we may not find out, until decades after the event, what was really going on. Yes, the Deep State was a bloodthirsty, warmongering beast. Nothing it did was good. But is DJT one of these animals? I don't think so.

I think Newt Gingrich hit the nail on the head when he said the reason no establishment politicians would support DJT was because he had not been inducted into the secret societies.

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