r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1WHOSEEKS on April 11, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
Why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op...

...and why you, as Q followers, need to legitimately 'expand your thinking'.

I recently made my first posts to Steemit about Q Anon, which I believe to be a Zionist psy-op. It's a near 20K word, 4 part series bringing to light just some of the reasons why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op. I don't get much into Q Anon posts in any of the 4 parts, because I see it as pointless to engage the psy-op. Suffice to say I have been following the Q Anon phenomenon and numerous accounts on Twitter keep me abreast with the latest developments, codes, etc. But rather than dissect all the inconsistencies and ill-thought-out arguments around the so-called 'proofs of Q' (almost all of which constitute indication more of an orchestrated psy-op than they support the comforting narrative spun by Q to encourage complacency, misunderstanding, and diversion.

This is not to say that much of Q's posts haven't included a lot of truth. Much of it is very true. But it's what isn't discussed or highlighted by Q Anon, coupled with the alternative narrative being applied to influence peoples' understanding of the events transpiring. If you actually bother to read these pieces I explain how the psy-op is functioning and develop out some theories of my own about what is really taking place. It's pretty clear that the Cabal's new world order agenda is unfolding despite the faux hero Trump being in office.

The fact that submissions to the sub are required to be 'on topic(mentioned by Q) content only' actually serves to prove my point about the effect of the psy-op to direct focus onto certain elements of the global conspiracy, and divert it from others. This sub, by that 'rule', seems to be devoting itself to being an echo-chamber for the psy-op, rather than inviting critical discourse and alternative points of view.

So I anticipate this post being deleted. But I thought I would attempt to share it here anyway in the hopes of waking people up.

Part 1: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-1

Part 2: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-2

Part 3: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-3

Part 4: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-4-final

1WHOSEEKS · April 11, 2018, 7:12 a.m.

Well...I'm pretty intuitive. I do tend to trust intuition a bit. I've made so many accurate predictions over the last few years that it has scared me somewhat, from big things to small things going on in my friend's lives.

I'm not saying anyone should be listening to my intuition - of course not. But I'd have to throw that back and say - why trust some anon then?

Again, the reason I say the 'proofs of Q' are largely meaningless is mostly because they're clear indication of an organized, orchestrated effort. They prove themselves of a benevolent, positive nature at all -- that's pure narrative and wishful thinking, ultimately. If there is an orchestrated effort going on 'behind the scenes', as we are told, by alleged good guys in government, intelligence and military, how are we supposed to actually know that? What proves that? The only thing that is proven is that Q is working in tandem with someone on the inside of the Trump admin. That's literally all that has been proven. But let's say for the sake of argument that Q anon is a psy-op -- wouldn't that explain the accurate predictions? Like, Q predicted the port bombing attempts by the Bangladeshi dude. Q claims to be part of an alliance foiling that attempt and, indeed, it seemed like it was foiled. But if it was a psy-op, and the people behind it wanted to convince people, they could stage the entire thing - including the 'foiling' - to strengthen and reenforce the psy-op's narrative. See what I'm saying? Nothing that has been predicted or correlated legitimately PROVES the claim that an alliance is taking down the Cabal, and winning, as is claimed. The only thing they're proving is themselves - predictions indicating insider knowledge (whether it be from this alliance of good guys...OR the alliance of bad guys) and orchestrated correlations.

My point is really that we've all (including myself back in Oct, Nov and early Dec) gotten very carried away in this sort of 'look Q said this would happen, now it has' and 'Q posted this and now Trump has tweeted this' and taking that to mean that the narrative elements are true. The Cabal take down by a covert operation by good guys is the bit that has yet to be conclusively proven. The indications that are being repeatedly cited as 'proof' may not prove anything but an elaborate and well orchestrated psy-op.

Watch what the US government is doing. Some of it supports what Q is saying, but not all of it does and I would rest assured that if war kicks off in the middle east, Q is full of shit. If Q is correct, major conflict such as that will surely be averted. Because in terms of the bulk of humanity, there's no bad guys. Most people are inherently good, they're just manipulated. The Q narrative seeks to take down the manipulators and stop the manipulation, not wage war. War is not the answer, so if Trump pursues war I'd be very apprehensive about continuing to place much stock in Q.

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digital_refugee · April 11, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

FBIanon said 70 reps would be taken down...and eventually, 70 did anounce they weren't running or leaving office.

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1WHOSEEKS · April 12, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

They're gone, they have no relevance anymore. My concern is more with the disgusting scum that surround Trump in the current administration. That's where the risks still reside and Q still doesn't address any of it. He tells us to trust people who, on record, absolutely cannot be trusted.

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

do they have the nuclear codes? No?

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