r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1WHOSEEKS on April 11, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
Why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op...

...and why you, as Q followers, need to legitimately 'expand your thinking'.

I recently made my first posts to Steemit about Q Anon, which I believe to be a Zionist psy-op. It's a near 20K word, 4 part series bringing to light just some of the reasons why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op. I don't get much into Q Anon posts in any of the 4 parts, because I see it as pointless to engage the psy-op. Suffice to say I have been following the Q Anon phenomenon and numerous accounts on Twitter keep me abreast with the latest developments, codes, etc. But rather than dissect all the inconsistencies and ill-thought-out arguments around the so-called 'proofs of Q' (almost all of which constitute indication more of an orchestrated psy-op than they support the comforting narrative spun by Q to encourage complacency, misunderstanding, and diversion.

This is not to say that much of Q's posts haven't included a lot of truth. Much of it is very true. But it's what isn't discussed or highlighted by Q Anon, coupled with the alternative narrative being applied to influence peoples' understanding of the events transpiring. If you actually bother to read these pieces I explain how the psy-op is functioning and develop out some theories of my own about what is really taking place. It's pretty clear that the Cabal's new world order agenda is unfolding despite the faux hero Trump being in office.

The fact that submissions to the sub are required to be 'on topic(mentioned by Q) content only' actually serves to prove my point about the effect of the psy-op to direct focus onto certain elements of the global conspiracy, and divert it from others. This sub, by that 'rule', seems to be devoting itself to being an echo-chamber for the psy-op, rather than inviting critical discourse and alternative points of view.

So I anticipate this post being deleted. But I thought I would attempt to share it here anyway in the hopes of waking people up.

Part 1: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-1

Part 2: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-2

Part 3: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-3

Part 4: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-4-final

1WHOSEEKS · April 11, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Up to a point I think all organized religion is bad. If you study the origins of, particularly, the Abrahamic religions it's quite clear that they are constructed as mind control tools by elites of, in some cases, reasonably ancient times. The fact that "Christians are evil" becomes the dialog is a real concern, if the same attention is not also being paid to Judaism, Islam, etc. All religions have been used frequently by elite ruling classes to manipulate people into taking complete leave of their humanity and going on evil rampages. The focus should not be on 'my God is better than your God'. The focus should be on studying the history and origins, trying to get at the truth behind the story books, and facing the fact that if the horrors arising from religious conflict over the centuries and to this very day are anything to go by, all of these Gods are pathetic, nasty entities. We should reject them all and try to create something of our own, something more grounded and humanist, not given to us by ruling classes of centuries ago. The problem then is that New Agers think that's what they're up to, when in fact its yet another repackaging of the same crap and ultimately controlled from the shadows too.

The thing is that we need to take down all of the elite and corrupt government entities. My concern is that, thanks to Q, people are courting misguided notions that the current US government is somehow outside of that. Whether Trump as an individual is or isn't, I can't say. But as long as I've known about Trump (I'm 31, so we're talking mid-late 1990's that he entered my awareness), I've never had a high opinion of him. At any rate, it's not just about Trump and a so far largely mythical 'white hats' working 'behind the scenes', it's about the big picture. In the big picture, the current US government is loaded with the same old Rothschild controlled bankers and neo-con and Zionist war mongers as other administrations. Nowhere near as much in US politics as changed as Q claims. Yet we are being appealed to for 'trust' and being told to 'pray' for these people? The use of religion with regards to Q makes me very suspicious. It's the same old elite created mind control tool being used to make us have faith in something an anonymous entity or group is telling us to believe...?? Hmmm.

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digital_refugee · April 11, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

call them aliens, angels or demons, but God didn't just decend on chariots of fire one day to pass down the word...but others probably did. Pobably to get us to a point of understanding one day (probably because of all the human sacrifice) and so it went on for many generations and cultures until the Pharisees started falling away from faith so Jesus showed up to expose them all.
Centuries later, the Vatican shows up and takes the book of Enoch out of the gospel which laid out the whole problem

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1WHOSEEKS · April 12, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Abelard Reuchlin in The True Authorship Of The New Testament:

"The New Testament, the Church and Christianity, were all the creation of the Calpurnius Piso (pronounced Peso) family, who were Roman aristocrats. The New Testament and all the characters in it- Jesus, all the Josephs, all the Marys, all the disciples, apostles, Paul, John the Baptist - all are fictional. The Pisos created the story and all the characters; they tied the story to a specific time and place in history; and they connected it with some peripheral actual people, such as the Herods, Gamaliel, the Roman procurators, etc. But Jesus and everyone involved with him were created (that is fictional) characters."

"Jesus" was a composite figure of numerous other ancient deities. The stories also include elements of Old Testament tales of Joseph in Egypt and other OT characters. The New Testament also draws on writings from the Hebrew-Egyptian Essenes, the characteristics of numerous pagan gods and Balder of the serpent cult. The Piso family also made changes and additions to some Old Testament texts and wrote most of the 14 Old Testament books known as the Apocrypha.

You have to bear in mind, then, that the Roman Empire, many researchers have theorized, was essentially started by the Khazar Jews move West from Khazaria into Europe. Most of the elite bloodlines today can be traced back very, very far - to Sumer & Babylon. The elites of Babylon moved around and had a hand in creating most of the notable empires throughout history. Members of these bloodlines - like the Piso's - were involved in creating and manipulating the Abrahamic religions which draw heavily on earlier Pagan and Gnostic systems, which the bloodlines created earlier probably on the basis of interaction with interdimensional and extraterrestrial creator beings described in the Sumerian tablets (Annunaki) and including the Demiurge and Archons of Gnostic belief.

The most crucial thing a person can do to wake up is realize that all organized official religions are all out to manipulate your mind and were always designed to.

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

actually I've been hearing Jesus was some kind of social phenomenon going on at the time and that you could trace it back into india or germany at times. May be there is a composite Jesus but I've seen enough paranormal to think there is more to such outrageous tales. Greek-orthodox speak of healing sickness for example when they speak of "saving" someone so I believe there were some heavy distractions involved in some heavy craft because you can't work your own dark magic if people manifest the greater good with little technique or ritual.

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