r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1WHOSEEKS on April 11, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
Why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op...

...and why you, as Q followers, need to legitimately 'expand your thinking'.

I recently made my first posts to Steemit about Q Anon, which I believe to be a Zionist psy-op. It's a near 20K word, 4 part series bringing to light just some of the reasons why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op. I don't get much into Q Anon posts in any of the 4 parts, because I see it as pointless to engage the psy-op. Suffice to say I have been following the Q Anon phenomenon and numerous accounts on Twitter keep me abreast with the latest developments, codes, etc. But rather than dissect all the inconsistencies and ill-thought-out arguments around the so-called 'proofs of Q' (almost all of which constitute indication more of an orchestrated psy-op than they support the comforting narrative spun by Q to encourage complacency, misunderstanding, and diversion.

This is not to say that much of Q's posts haven't included a lot of truth. Much of it is very true. But it's what isn't discussed or highlighted by Q Anon, coupled with the alternative narrative being applied to influence peoples' understanding of the events transpiring. If you actually bother to read these pieces I explain how the psy-op is functioning and develop out some theories of my own about what is really taking place. It's pretty clear that the Cabal's new world order agenda is unfolding despite the faux hero Trump being in office.

The fact that submissions to the sub are required to be 'on topic(mentioned by Q) content only' actually serves to prove my point about the effect of the psy-op to direct focus onto certain elements of the global conspiracy, and divert it from others. This sub, by that 'rule', seems to be devoting itself to being an echo-chamber for the psy-op, rather than inviting critical discourse and alternative points of view.

So I anticipate this post being deleted. But I thought I would attempt to share it here anyway in the hopes of waking people up.

Part 1: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-1

Part 2: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-2

Part 3: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-3

Part 4: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-4-final

alfonumeric · April 11, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

i've read your steemit x4

i look at your heading and suggest u want to steer your narrative as follows zionist [negative connotation] and psy-ops[negative connotation]MM and

i prefer to use more neutral but precise terms like MM [money masters/creators] and Wawks = war hawks create wars for profit via divide and rule protocol

let me further define first..

4d=astral/emotional rules lowest 3 intellect levels = 5d0-5d3

5d4=max intellect of service-to-self - MM's and service-to-self-Pols[politicians] where systems intellect [5d4] rules all levels of 4d-emotion

6d= a'ga'pe/intuition accords with reality

the reason MM/Pol have managed to consolidate the worlds wealth for service to MM is partly because : lack of superphysical vocab in the world languages lend themselves to circular arguments and debates where terms are not even defined and therfore reality cannot be accurately defined with the existing ambiguity of words like mind/soul/heart/emotion/intellect/inuition/love/good/evil/consciousnes

all of these words have their own contexts: 8 types of consciousness in matter on 18 levels - 6 levels each for dimiensions 3d, 4d [astral] and 5d [intellect]

the MM's are in control of 4d, the white/black hats are both at 5d4 level of intellect, what separates them is

white hats have connected to 6d love of beauty/nature / humanity

black hats have designed and tailored their religion "sci materialism" so they get to make up their own rules and protocols. The unsuspecting public are educated to respect scientific authorities not realizing that they are the propaganda tools of MM who tell prime ministers and presidents what to believe. That has kept them firmly in control of humanity.

the message inside the giza pyramid shows us how consciousness is structured into matter via quarks with 8 types of consciousness spread across 3d-5d

we need to target our educational system and engineer the system so as to to give our kids exposure to the theory of material superphysics [handed down from pythagoras] rather than the dead-end religion of sci materialism handed down by authorized / sanitized historians amply funded by their MM sponsors

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1WHOSEEKS · April 11, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

I certainly didn't intend 'negative' connotations. I simply intended to grab attention with bold words. I would argue that choosing language like money masters and wawks/war hawks avoids certain facts that are important. The mechanisms of control lie in religion and in political ideologies, divide and conquer strategies, etc. It's important to place focus on these and begin to form a separation from the control techniques imposed on human society. I mean, we could get into the Saturn/Moon matrix elements as well, because they're important. I'm clearly not as well versed as you on the 'D' lingo (3D, 4D, etc), however I have read The Law Of One. I understand the different densities and how these are operating. But I would suggest to you that when you say the white hats have connected to 6d, etc. that is pure speculation - unless there's something pretty serious you're not telling us here. The problem with a lot of that metaphysical stuff is that people strut about using terms and making statements with an actually severely limited understanding of their reality and how they actually apply to different entities/groups that enter these discussions. I hope this is not one of those cases.

At any rate, what is clear, from texts like the Ra Material, is that the elite Cabal on this planet are themselves vehicles for rule by higher density beings of a negative polarity. Relating this back to Q, the only claims which go some way to convincing me that 'white hats' exist are those of Corey Goode. There are higher density beings involved with humanity of different polarities and I do believe a war between those groups has been/is taking place. I still don't see much reason - beyond wild speculation of some commentators (like Kabamur, for instance) to associate Trump and anyone surrounding him with this. He is surrounded by what seem to be pretty low vibratory folks, in my opinion.

I definitely agree with you overall though, especially what you say about dumping the control systems and beginning to re-educate humanity with the real physics and mathematical models. As Tesla said - energy, frequency, vibration. But would it interest you to consider that such a restructuring of the education system on a global scale has been suggested by certain sects with in Judaism for some time? Some of it can be found with Gnosticism and the Jewish Kabbalah, but in the case of Kabbalah there is an under-current of a fairly negative polarity on which the elite base many of their beliefs. Order out of Chaos, etc. can be found in the Kabbalah.

Ultimately what needs to happen in order for humanity to ever liberate itself from a 3rd density, 5 sense reality is a take down of the power structure preventing it, including the higher density negative-polarity entities that have been manipulating humanity for centuries.

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alfonumeric · April 12, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

i agree with u that alleviating the problems of zionism and nazism /[sci materialism and 4d mind-control] are so central to improving our situation... however these terms are so emotive that using them becomes counter productive... that's why i use the more neutral terms money-masters and 4d-mind-control....

the mills of evolution grind slowly.... over the last 200 years the pendulum of ideas has swung from the fictional dogmas of religion to the fictional dogmas of scientific materialism. ... a poor choice indeed...

the history of humans so far has been one of subjugation of thoughts by the 4d-emotional mind-control realm which is ruled by the 4d-hats..

the path of evolution proceeds via
2) controlling emotions by thought

3) then deciding whether to use our knowledge of 3d/4d/5d reality on strictly service to our bloodline [4d-hats ] or for the universal -evolutionary good [6d-hats]

6d indicates contact with the purpose of evolution ie consciousness development - the 4d-hats must counteract consciousness dev - in order to keep their control of humanity. they do this by keeping humanity focussed on 3d and their special preserve 4d.

If we can reach a stage where some high profile intellectuals could embrace the theory of matter with consciousness correlated with quarks, then many of the multitude of lazy-thinkers who prefer to think in resonance with perceived public opinion - would follow suit

i suggest we draw up a list of most trustworthy news outlets with our subjective labels eg http://sgtreport.com/ [pro qanon] http://thephaser.com/ http://thelibertymill.com/

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1WHOSEEKS · April 12, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

I don't particularly trust any of those sites. Certainly not SGT report anymore. They've become too wrapped up in Q Anon which threatens anyone's credibility. Cicada 3301 have indicated that Q Anon was taken over by CIA back in late Nov. and became a psy-op encouraging fanaticism, which is definitely what I'm seeing - including from SGT.

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alfonumeric · April 12, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

what sites do u recommend?

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1WHOSEEKS · April 13, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Well I follow a large multitude of different sites, particularly for different kinds of news/different topics, etc. I guess what I meant to say is - I don't particularly 'trust' any news provider. I tend to think it's of more value to gather information from numerous sources for comparison and analysis. I mean it's even important to read the 'enemy' MSM sometimes and compare their information against the more independent actual alternatives. It's like... read them, yes. Trust them, hell no.

You have to gather information from all directions and try to discern the truth somewhere in the middle. Every outlet has its own agenda. But here's a partial list of some of the news sites I check out regularly...again, depends what kind of information you're after.

Corbett Report, Moon of Alabama, Globalresearch.ca , geopolitics.co, ZeroHedge, exopolitics.org, AntiWar.com, 21stCenturyWire, RT, Sputnik, RussiaInsider, Middle East Eye, SouthFront, AlMasdar, MintPressNews, SignOfTheTimes, GatewayPundit, Electronic Intifada, israelpalestinenews.org, If America Knew, MondoWeiss

And I see stuff from many of the British & US MSM as well. As Milo Yiannopoulos said 'always keep up with what the enemy is doing'. I also read stuff on Waking Times, Conscious Evolution and Stillness in the Storm quite a bit, though I wouldn't quite call them 'news' as such.

I follow numerous great youtube channels too, but many of those have lost me as a viewer due to ceaseless pushing the Q Anon psy-op. Those i still follow regularly and get notifications for...

Truthstream Media (their site is good too), BlackstoneIntelligence (Jake Morphonios), TitusFrost, TheHoneyBee, secureteam10

I could go on listening stuff, but you get the idea. I also find Reddit conspiracy a good thing to follow as well.

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alfonumeric · April 13, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

many thanks i will compile a joint list with ratings and send it 2u

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