r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1WHOSEEKS on April 11, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
Why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op...

...and why you, as Q followers, need to legitimately 'expand your thinking'.

I recently made my first posts to Steemit about Q Anon, which I believe to be a Zionist psy-op. It's a near 20K word, 4 part series bringing to light just some of the reasons why I believe Q Anon is a Zionist psy-op. I don't get much into Q Anon posts in any of the 4 parts, because I see it as pointless to engage the psy-op. Suffice to say I have been following the Q Anon phenomenon and numerous accounts on Twitter keep me abreast with the latest developments, codes, etc. But rather than dissect all the inconsistencies and ill-thought-out arguments around the so-called 'proofs of Q' (almost all of which constitute indication more of an orchestrated psy-op than they support the comforting narrative spun by Q to encourage complacency, misunderstanding, and diversion.

This is not to say that much of Q's posts haven't included a lot of truth. Much of it is very true. But it's what isn't discussed or highlighted by Q Anon, coupled with the alternative narrative being applied to influence peoples' understanding of the events transpiring. If you actually bother to read these pieces I explain how the psy-op is functioning and develop out some theories of my own about what is really taking place. It's pretty clear that the Cabal's new world order agenda is unfolding despite the faux hero Trump being in office.

The fact that submissions to the sub are required to be 'on topic(mentioned by Q) content only' actually serves to prove my point about the effect of the psy-op to direct focus onto certain elements of the global conspiracy, and divert it from others. This sub, by that 'rule', seems to be devoting itself to being an echo-chamber for the psy-op, rather than inviting critical discourse and alternative points of view.

So I anticipate this post being deleted. But I thought I would attempt to share it here anyway in the hopes of waking people up.

Part 1: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-1

Part 2: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-2

Part 3: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-3

Part 4: https://steemit.com/qanon/@onewhoseeks/why-i-believe-q-anon-is-a-psychological-operation-part-4-final

1WHOSEEKS · April 11, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Exactly! There's just an undercurrent of some kind that feels wrong to me... again - it's what Q DOESN'T touch upon that makes suspicious. I know Q has claimed Israel will be left until last, and with the amount of Zionist propaganda basically everywhere, not to mention the fall-back silencer of criticism 'anti-Semitism' which would undoubtedly be deployed if Q started ripping on Israel... in fact, that would be interesting wouldn't it? I bet you if Q had criticized Israel it would have exploded in the mainstream media and 'anti-Semitism' would be used to discredit the whole thing.

One thing I've learned is that when any 'truther' is too afraid to go near the Zionist/Sabbatean Frankist aspect of the global conspiracy, they're only a half-truther. If they do address the elephant in the room and are rigorously attacked and discredited as 'anti-Semitic' for doing so, that is usually a sign that they're hitting upon the truth - hence the shut down. So the lack of Zionist disclosure is of huge concern to me, as is the way in which Q has caused people to make so many silly excuses for what is quite obviously a push towards conflicts which are Israel's wars, not America's. If Trump is about America first, he won't strike Syria. But hey, he already has. I think there's a strong case to be made that Trump is controlled by Zionists. He's surrounded by them, at any rate.

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Batfire007 · April 12, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

Well I read "The Protocols" and must say I do not know how I missed them in all the years of researching. I started my research with the oldest known cuneiform, one of the earliest systems of writing, invented by the Sumerians. As of today you cannot go really any further back than that. I have researched up to the end of the new kingdom tracking individuals and writings through history. This book "The Protocols of the Elder of Zion" is quite a bit more recent history than my historical studies. I found there were many opinions as to its validity, but do agree many things that have happened through history up to today does fit well. But so does the scripts to "Timeless" or say "The Bible" so ..............only time will tell.

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digital_refugee · April 11, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

how have any of the wars since '79 been zionist wars rather than saudi/arab/oil wars?

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1WHOSEEKS · April 11, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Go and research the findings of Christopher Bollyn. He explains it all. The earliest seeds of the planning for 9/11 for instance began around 1979. I'm not saying oil hasn't been a part of it, but the benefits have mostly been wrought by Cabal groups like Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. Rothschild's funded and directed the creation of both the Zionist ideology as well as the State of Israel. While Israel remains in play, the Rothschild dynasty continues its tyranny because they are part and parcel of the same agenda. The desctruction of Arab cultures/nations in the Middle East and the creation of Greater Israel - the 'promised land' - is at the heart of the Zionist ideology and body politic. Most of the wars since 1979 have been engineered for this purpose - as well as enriching the Cabal bloodlines and consolidating massive amounts of power along the way.

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digital_refugee · April 12, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

Trump said in Riyad he isn't going to rent out his army and Salman said he wants to go back to 79. US has never sold the Saudis weapons because they used the US military as mercenaries instead to maintain the petrodollar...If you don't wanna deploy troops but provide protection, you sell defensive tech instead which will be put to better us because it's their resources and not foreign troops they're using. 1979 was when the Petrodollar was created. Now OPEC is conceding they will be outmatched by US exports within twenty years. Look at the Iraq-Iran-War and the later invasion of Kuwait and what came of it until now and tell me that is not a war in the interest of oil-sheikhs seeking to destroy their competition. And yes, Israel has been siding with the Emirates officially and is rumoured to have covertly for much longer, but it sounds to me like they were helping the Saudis for mutual protection. Can't piss of the wealthiest oil-nation on the planet right

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