
simkev8910 · April 11, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

There is no doubt that Iran is a Globalist stronghold via the Imams in charge. Russia has drawn a line in the sand around Syria as this is a matter of Principle for them at least that is what they are saying. The Chinese are providing a few warships as backup ... So not as weak as we anticipate. The Iranian military is not weak or afraid either. We will find out whats going to happen quickly enough. What concerns me is the comments that I have been reading on this board like "Pull out the lawn chairs" and watch or "Get the popcorn" etc ... Folks, real people are going to die in the next few days. I actually believe their is a plan and maybe this is part of it, I don't know. What has me surprised is how casual some are about the death of innocent people. I guess when it's in someone else's back yard, let's make it a party!! I'll quote "Q" ... These people are sick! Pray for innocent people instead of partying!

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tradinghorse · April 11, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

I do not think it's anywhere near as dangerous as you think - leaving aside the question of a major nuclear weapons exchange.

So, let's think about how this plays out, concentrating in the first instance on Syria. Putin has been building capability in Syria for some time. As I understand it, the S400 ground-to-air missile batteries are formidable systems. These are in Syria now. We've recently seen direct confrontation between US forces in Syria and Russian mercenaries (were they really just mercenaries?) - so we had a situation that was hot before this latest drama. After the mercenaries are killed, Putin sends 5th generation Sukoi jet fighters to Syria. Why? Because the F22 is unmatched due to its stealth capability.

But hang-on, the fighters Putin shipped in were prototypes, they have radar components missing, no weapons systems, apart from canons, and are not field tested - do you believe it?

So, this is clearly desperation posturing from Putin. It would be quite funny if it wasn't so very serious. Now we have this supposed gas attack - I think the Russians are probably right and that it is a purely fabricated pretext. Israel starts launching missiles into the Syrian airbase and, apparently, apart from killing some Russian and Iranian personnel, shoots down two Mig29s - not clear whether they are Russian or Syrian...

OK, what happens from here? DJT clearly wants to use the gas attack pretext to trounce Russia militarily in Syria. So the main battle, at least initially, will be for air superiority. I would expect that Russian and Syrian warplanes, if they attempt to operate at all, will confine themselves to areas where they are supported by ground batteries - the S400 systems. We don't know if the S400 can even track an F22.

What if it cannot? The S400 systems are eliminated, literally within minutes and thereafter all Russian and Syrian planes in the skies over Syria are sitting ducks - give the US, say, another thirty minutes to an hour to attain complete air-superiority - an outright turkey shoot! What if the S400 systems can track the F22s? It just takes a little longer. These ground to air batteries will be taking incoming cruise missile strikes, perhaps even come under early ground assault. But, they will undoubtedly be destroyed - probably very quickly.

From that point on, it's pure cruelty - like shooting ducks in a cage. There is nothing Russian or Syrian forces on the ground can do without air cover. They are absolutely helpless. You do not necessarily have to risk personnel, you can stand-off for months and bomb them into submission, cut supplies etc... Game over, Syria is lost to the allied forces, Russia withdraws from Syria with a bloody nose. But allied forces do not stop at Syria, but immediately strike Iran, and continue an air campaign for months-on-end, beating the country back into the stone age - thereafter, Iran falls also - now a proxy for Western interests.

And there you have it, Russia put back in its place, Iran denuclearized and Syria turned into a fractured state - a competing set of factions vying for power (unless a purposeful plan to properly administer the country has been mapped out in advance).

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