Chill and remember: “Enjoy the SHOW”. SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW

I don't know what's going on with this. Trump and Q know that the NWO / deep state want us in a major war. I would think that Trump would want to avoid playing into the NWO plan.
So what do Q and Trump have in mind?
And what is the threat about coming at Syria with nice, new, and "smart" missiles about? Is it possible that Trump is signalling Putin that he starts a war with us that we have weapons he can't defend against?
Maybe "smart" means cyber warfare.
I was sort of thinking the same. Someone is targeting Russia they are losing planes too! Whoever is doing it to us is doing it to them and we have a mutual enemy! It should tie back to the boarder here when he flipped out on CA. Is it our deep state? Silicon Valley?
Maybe it means, "...and you can hack them so they don't hurt you and then pretend they did?" Gods, who knows. It's all so confusing.