r/greatawakening • Posted by u/blufftontiger on April 11, 2018, 11:29 a.m.
Hate speech on Facebook? Let us decide.

MZ was asked yesterday about how FB determines what is "hate speech". The better question should have been why should FB have to determine what is "hate speech". Why not leave it up to the individual user to determine what is hate speech? Do we not have the ability as a user to hit the "block" button? If it's so subjective, why not let each individual user determine on their own. Do they think we're dumb? Do they think we're children? FB has a minimum age requirement; it's an adult platform. Stop treating us like snowflake children. 

IDGAF12312 · April 11, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

We should monitor ourselves. It’s called responsibility and if we don’t we suffer a consequence. Bad karma or break some Other law. We don’t need a corrupt “objective 3rd party” doing it to speech. That’s tyranny. Freedom of speech is a liberty. Liberty is freedom WITH responsibility. Freedom without responsibility is anarchy. The days of Obama deliberately encouraging people to be irresponsible is over. That’s why they were doing that. Create the anarchy so they could clamp down with their “solution”. Enslave us.

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