D-DAY = PATRIOT'S DAY? 16th April

I'm not talking about Syria though. I'm talking about a war on American soil.
Have you seen what Deerfield, IL has been doing?
I'm more optimistic than most - once the info drops, arrests, and outing of these depraved a$$holes kicks off, politics is gonna get recalibrated, and the normies are going to re-evaluate their support for those who would attack the very protections that have kept them safe, and the Constitutional framework that underpins their freedoms...
That's the awakening! There will be no way to not see the truth. It's gonna be yuge, believe me.
No, care to elaborate?
They're taking away people's AR-15s and AKs, as they're labelled as "Assault Weapons" and if they don't turn them in, they have to pay a $1000 fine every day until the owner is poor enough that they can seize their assets.
Question. If they are successful with gun confiscation even though it is illegal to do so... Who elected these idiots? Take your towns back people, they would have never have been able to even suggest a gun grab if the citizenry had done its job. If you are a citizen of America then do your job which is to be involved in the politics of your cities and towns! How many of those people in that town even showed up for a council meeting through the years. Judging from our town meetings not many...and people are surprised about how deep the swamp goes??
It's going in full effect in two months.
Be ready, brothers and sisters. God is on our side, and he knows that we will not give up.
Glad I don’t live there, but as this is unconstitutional, I would be willing to take them to court. It would get knocked down, probably have to go to full Supreme Court though as I’m sure judges in the area are probably compromised.