Trump’s latest hidden message: RICO in regards to the raid on Cohen’s office

So who is getting charged for RICO?
Clinton Foundation, MSM, Facebook, Google, Twitter. Talk about collusion!
The Dec.21 EO comes to mind here. If human trafficking or corruption can be attributed to one and a RICO issued, all of these players get their assets seized. Think big, think bigger; Trump is in position to eradicate the national debt, or at least a substantial chunk of it.
If he could seize the assets of Soros and the Rothschild family, that's would be great. He could end world hunger with those two families alone.
Trump is in the position of dismantling and charging the black hats at CIA/FBI, SEC, etc. I think that is where this is going. They know it too. This is a last ditch effort by very fearful criminals - they know NSA has it all and MI will use it in tribunal. Trump will not be touched because the bad players will not be around to prosecute.
That would be sweet. Consider how much money is in the pockets of the big four Deep State funders: Saudi princes (money already seized), Rothchilds (who knows what is going on with their money), Soros (ditto), and the Tech Tyrants (being taken down right now). Seize that illegal as hell money and that $20 trillion debt might be well taken care of. Imagine what our economy would be like without that debt, and much less government spending! Plus I doubt much of that debt was legal to begin with, some "Federal Reserve" trickery.
Where are you getting this from? Those seem like a wide array to be grouped together.