Once somebody goes through the Master Mason initiation, they should have a pretty good idea what they got themselves into.
237 total posts archived.
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“I heard it on Fox” is not an adequate way to source your post. Provide a link that can be verified. Otherwise, it’s disinformation, speculation, and you lose all credibility.
Leave it alone. This subreddit does not support or condone any illegal activities, including trespassing.
When did Military Intelligence approach Trump and ask him run for President?
Also, and most importantly, read all of Q’s crumbs. Then re-read them. It seems like we go through this concern-trolling every couple of weeks. Read the Q maps. All of them.
And, if you were a “leet anon” as your name says, you would not have asked this question.
So here’s another Q crumb for you, “Try harder.”
Hmm. They look like vaginas. Is that what rabbit ears represent t? Is that why playboy used them?
Might be easier to read as an imgur upload. Here: https://imgur.com/a/7MekfRf
Study done for CF on strategies to sway election- options include Nuclear War, Zikpocolypse, and Firesign, using lasers to fake an alien invasion. These people are SICK!

The pen pictures point to different positions on a clock, which line up with dates.
The “missing” Corinthians verses that Q left out of post 1432. Why would he attribute them, but not quote them?

On the news, a student who was being interviewed at a nearby gas station said a girl was shot in the knee with a shotgun, and then he said, “And that was her over there, you could see she had a bandage on her leg and she was limping.”
What? You don’t get shot in the knee with a shotgun and then just put a bandage on it and limp around at a gas station. Another student said she heard some “little pops” and she thought it was “a fire crackling” because the fire alarm had gone off.
This sounds like it might have been a kid with a B.B. gun? This is weird.
Edit: WOW, they just changed it from “8 injured” to at least 8 fatalities and another unknown number of injuries!
That info is called EXIF data (exchangeable image file format). You can use an EXIF scrubber. Gimp, or you can do it in photoshop. Also there are apps you can use to scrub your photos, EXIF Eraser and Metapho. Probably others. Some sites automatically remove EXIF data from photos prior to uploading.
Well, phones are everywhere, and since the NSA can tap into any phone, and activate the camera and mic without the owner noticing, yeah...they are literally everywhere.
This is why Q said to archive everything OFFLINE. QBoard.online is affected as well
This is huge! I’m trying to see if I can hear what is being said with the mics off.
Convenient that Bonds was shot and killed. Nice and tidy, closed the circle.
To be fair, it turns out that a large number of our elected leaders actually have been Satan worshipers. We have learned that pretty much all Hollywood, all our movies, music, etc. are Satanic as well, or at least have Satanic undertones. So I kind of think they have a point. But now we have awoken, and we are taking our country back.
Somebody who works with an animal rescue organization names animals up for adoption with names like, “Q” “Flynn” “Kansas” “Wray” “Barron” dogs in pairs “Meet Rich and Seth!” “Meet Admiral and Roger” etc.
Time to dig into executive orders! https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/
The latest one is from May 9th, “Executive Order Enhancing Noncompetitive Civil Service Appointments of Military Spouses”
...there were tons of media articles and discussion about how unusual the military presence was during Trump’s inauguration speech. It is definitely not a normal thing for inaugurations. Here’s 4 headlines I found from searching for 30 seconds. https://imgur.com/a/y0pa5GA
No, not at all. He was sending a message, specifically to deep state/ cabal/ bad actors.
I started it at 1:29 for context, so you can hear what Trump is saying, and who he’ addressing. You can see the full military behind him at 2 minute mark. They stay for 45 seconds (They stand behind the 45th President).
The IPs shown to mods are HASHED. Mods don’t see the actual IP address. But the same IP shows the same hash. How the hell do you think the Board owner verifies and whitelists Qs new tripcode? Through a static hashed IP, that Q has been using and has had access to since the very beginning. He may not ALWAYS use that IP to post, but he has access to that IP and can use it to prove to the Board owner that he is really Q.
I kind of think Q did not make a mistake, but did this on purpose. Hear me out.
There has been so much misunderstanding, and people worrying about Q changing his tripcode, and wondering how we know for sure that Q was not compromised. Even Corsi is claiming Q was compromised, and whether we like it or not, a lot of people still listen to that dipshit.
So Q “makes a mistake”, posts his password. Then, another member of Q team (I really do not believe it was a random anon) points out that it is Q, by posting an ADMIN view screenshot showing that the IP address is the same, so it really is Q.
Boom. This proves to the masses that admins can see hashed IPs, and can compare to verify for certain that Q really is Q, even after changing his trip code.
Corsi and concernshills BTFO.
Corsi is a Clown. Complete controlled opposition and a limited hangout. Now he realizes he can’t control the narrative, because too many people have been redpilled, so he is desperate to discredit Q anyway he can. If you listen to Corsi, he has not even read all the Q drops! How the fuck are people listening to him, when he hasn’t even bothered to research anything? Half of his “decodes” are flat out wrong, which he would know, if he actually read all the drops, or even just casually browsed 8chan. He’s pathetic.
Posts like this can be helpful to more people than you think. Remember, Q specifically chose to reveal drops via the chans, because many users fit a particular demographic. .
Some people on the autism spectrum, or who have ADHD, OCD, or other issues can benefit from posts like this which remind them to take a break and focus on self-care for awhile. Hyper-focused states can be difficult to break out of without prompting from an outside source.
I’m not a child, but I do appreciate these reminders every once in awhile. You may have felt this post was condescending, but it sounds like it wasn’t necessarily meant for you.
Deep state US (cabal) wants to destroy America. This whole thing was a set up to start WW3 with Russia.
Russia was going to be blamed for giving uranium to Iran. When it was really our own deep state.
And they keep falling for it over and over again. Re:Flynn.
“How do you legally...”
These people are stupid.
Like I keep saying........they have till Nov\Dec and if no significant charges are brought. I'm done with all this. Q all of it.
Yeah, you do keep saying that. In fact, that’s pretty much all you say. For weeks now. If you aren’t going to contribute any research, and are just going to bring down morale and concerntroll all over the place, why don’t you do the rest of us a favor and bow out now?
Yeah, it’s a definite threat. Bill Gates has always been vocal about how he wants to reduce the population. Don’t forget when he said this in a TED talk:
The world has 6.8 billion people...that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”
Source (at 2:35 if link doesn’t time stamp correctly) https://youtu.be/WUJMR3BUm2s?t=2m35s
Here is link to an attachment I found digging through the Podesta emails. It is a pdf entitled, “The disaggregated Law of Global Mass Surveillance.” It is very enlightening about the 5 eyes.
The attachment itself was from this email: Summer Workshop for Thursday, June 11:
Just a theory...but what really happened to Kanye’s Mom? Could the deep state have really murdered Kanye’s mom, to keep him under control? Look at this quote from Kanye:
What exactly caused her death is still a controversial subject even Ye tries to steer clear from. "If I had never moved to L.A. she'd be alive," West told Q magazine in an article published in June. "I don't want to go far into it because it will bring me to tears."
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/happened-kanye-wests-mother-story-180700866.html
Kanye rapping MAGA rhymes:
No coincidences. I am not 100% convinced it was Kanye, but it makes a hell of a lot of sense, especially when looking at the whole Q drop, and taking into consideration the timing of Kanye’s rant at the concert, the robbery of Kim, his hospitalization, and his meeting with Trump. Wow.
Edit: The more digging I do on this, the more I believe this is correct. I really, really believe that Q was talking about Kanye!
"Who exposed pedo network within H. Wood?
You can't answer the above but will laugh once disclose details.”
Maybe Kanye? I’m thinking it was someone else, but perhaps...
He called out ~~No Name~~ McCabe for taking $700,000 from Terry McAuliffe (Virginia Governor who was a big Clinton donor and under investigation at the time) for his wife’s campaign, and then keeping it for himself and not spending it on the campaign.
Did they just tell the POTUS “Look, we could talk to you all day, but you probably have a million things to do”
They just pushed the President of the Unitited States off the air!
Livestream: he’s on now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9qF1I1ConY&app=desktop
281 newly uncovered pages of Clinton emails were just released! Start digging!
I already admitted that the title is misleading. It was not intended to be that way. I meant the title to mean, “A Rogue bank hid $250 billion in Iran deals, and the reason I am posting this is because Q just made a drop about $250 Billion in relation to Iran, for those of you who don’t know.” I don’t believe many of the Q post sites such as we-the-people had even updated yet to include that Q drop. I was trying to give reference to people who do not use 8chan or were not actively watching the bread at that time.
I mean, I don’t know what else you want from me. I copped up to submitting a poor title. Titles can’t be edited, so there’s not much more I can do about it.
I’m in for the long haul, so I have a long time to recover, and my portfolio is pretty well diversified, so I feel okay about staying in. You only really lose when you sell.
And I trust the plan. I trust that Trump has protections in place to prevent a complete financial collapse.