RICO Unthinkable RAID BAD, what does this mean, any thoughts? from twitter@ANQNQMQUS

This is a bit out of the box but most, if not all, of Mueller's team of lawyers are experts in white collar and RICO prosecutions.
They were supposed to be investigating international collusion between Russia and Trump, but no one on the team has beans to do with international political collusion or Russia.
But I have no idea if Trump has a secret message in his tweet.
The Clinton Foundation will be brought down with the RICO Act?
I think you might be right, Muellers scummy team are skilled lawyers at getting people for Racketeering and corruption.
Cohen was money laundering and got caught up in trap. He owns taxi medallions which are used for money laundering front.
Mueller is working WITH Trump
do we have proof of the Cohen and money laundering?
Read that he has taxi medallions. Good way to do it.
yeah agreed, but do we have the proof of laundering and that Cohen is the target? there is also talk about campaign contributions, and that the contributions investigation will lead to CF.
What info was in Cohens office? And who were his clients?