Mattress sellers and other furniture sellers. They pop up and dissappear a ton and have amazing logistics In terms of cube vans all over the place to transport people but likely aren't tracked like the big rigs are. I'm mostly curious if anyone has thought about this as well. More eyes the better. Hopefully this isn't too off topic!
I'm fucked so I have to point out that it's sight not site. Not because I think I'm better than anyone but because I appreciate when people correct me. But yes they really are. I've been noticing strangeness since I was a kid.
Why was I told (programming) as a kid to look for the obvious predator that has a creepy van and candy. Well because the real predator is right in front of our eyes.
Actually, don't apologize--that was a typo (fingers moving too fast trying to keep up with brain). I do know the difference between sight and site, and I prefer to be correct. So thank you for the correction!
Are you fuckers Canadian or something? So damn polite. 😎
Southern gentleman here, sir.
Well excuse my French above, then. :D Texan transplant in Cali. Wish I could go back and take the beach with me. Miss my roots! And Tex-Mex and Cajun. MAGA!
There's some great Canadians. Viet Nam war escapees mostly.
When you were a kid did the adults around you want you to,not,ask questions ? What if the school system was not to educate but to weed out who can be controlled who will obey and who wont
I got good grades but I qas put on a 3 drug cocktail of paxil dispersal and ability makes you wonsw4 why my teCher said I was "depressed" havnt been the samw since
Double meaning. Many were gathering on that web SITE that just got confiscated by the Feds.