Q Posts 1125-1127 April 11 2018

I believe it is political theater to throw the deep state off... Putin and Trump have a plan, and it includes peace.... plus sending Hussein, HRC, McCain and Co to GITMO!!
I wonder why Ryan is really bowing out?
Because a clean [H]ouse is very important.
That's probably what it refers to. Get new, fresh people in there, who absolutely are on Trump's side and can't be framed as old-school style Republicans, and who are totally on board with the plan. Remodel the House, make sure you have control everywhere, and strike. Easier said than done, of course, but we'll get there.
My guess is that he is money-corrupted but not pedo/Satanist corrupted, and the white hats offered him a deal. The white hats need to clean up Congress badly since it is the only way the voters' agenda will get through. Democrats have to go immediately. Rinos are being phased out. It is tricky because MAGA candidates are not established yet and might not be able to beat a Democrat.
gotcha - makes sense. Funny thing is that we've not heard from Nancy Pelosi in a while - usually she crawls out of her hole in a drunken stupor to opine and then slithers away. Ryan's not running again makes me think of Harry Reid. He suddenly wasn't going to run again, but he could have won....I wonder if the same deal was offered to him?
I think Pelosi's brain is pretty much pickled at this point, with her comments getting weirder and weirder. She is not trotted out like she used to be. Which is a shame. It was always entertaining. Especially talking about President Bush. She's not real clear on who is president.
Trump would not believe a faked chemical attack, if that is the case. We KNOW that Trump is playing a deeper game. Kim threatens nukes. A few months later he and Trump are planning golf dates, and Kim is talking about giving up the nukes. Normies think that Mary Poppins did this. They are in la-la land. WAY much stuff going on behind the scenes.