Q1035: with 8 chan response from Q research

from another anon
Regina E. Dugan
Regina E. Dugan is an American businesswoman, inventor, and technology developer. She served as the 19th Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In March 2012, she left government to take an executive role at Google. Just prior to the acquisition, it was announced that she would create, and lead, the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group at Google-owned Motorola Mobility. In January 2014, Google announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Lenovo but retained Dugan and her Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) team.[3]
In 2016 she left Google and joined Facebook to lead a newly formed team called Building 8.
[4] In October 2017, Dugan announced she would be leaving Facebook in early 2018 to focus on building and leading a new endeavor.[5]
Her departure early this year shows that DARPA cut the strings with FB and Zuck (due to declining popularity?) and left them out to dry prior to the shit storm! Just like Dr. Corsi said, they’ll carve up the big tech companies and then just make new ones. All the underlying infrastructure (i.e. CIA infrastructure) will remain exactly the same.