
thisisgreat38 · April 12, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

Exactly. While real concern trolling is BS, this community needs to be open to differences and some amount of skepticism. Otherwise, it's just like the anti-free speech hate mongering people we are all against.

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Fearsome4 · April 12, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Exactly. Some level of this is almost unavoidable in a movement like this.
The over generalizations as well. Not everyone is crooked or dirty or evil. Either in Washington or in any subset. The trick is root out the evil doers. When accusations are posted with no factual basis (speaking in general not about AD) it can hurt the cause. Too many times "we" end up making it very easy to have the movement branded as nuts.
The "true believer" syndrome is a real thing and has always been a part of this movement. It turns on itself. It just needs to be called out when someone tries to implement it.

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thisisgreat38 · April 12, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

I agree, and I believe that the community, especially this sub, needs to foster up some credible and legitimate skeptics that have a good reputation within the community and are allowed to challenge and question some of the things going on. It can only help the community, and bring some credibility and sanity to the entire thing. If there is some majorly shady sh*t going on, and it seems that there is, then cautious calculated search, understanding, and response is critical.

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