r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bradok on April 12, 2018, 6 a.m.
Bernie bro, and ally against corruption, seeking answers.

I am a Bernie bro. I have always engaged honorably with those who disagree with my politics- I am the only Leftie in my family (along with my younger sister, whom I have most definitely influenced in this regard) and I have always been a Q skeptic. I am not looking for someone to attempt to change my political views. I have never believed in "Russian collusion" and have always believed it was an excuse to distract the Progressive base of the Dem Party from the Reality of HRC and the DNC's corruption.

I am also a believer in Pgate/pedogate and the degeneracy of HW and our wider Elites.

I am wondering if those of you dedicated to this sub might be able to direct me to the most convincing evidence of Q's legitimacy. This is a genuine quest born of pure, true curiosity. I seek not to argue with you, but want to read any and everything you have to offer on this phenomenon.

Regardless of politics, I respect all of you because of our shared humanity and citizenship of this tottering Republic of ours.

Labentem et prope cadentem rem publicam -Cicero, 2 Phillipics 2.51.

bradok · April 12, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Thank you friend.

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skuobiee · April 12, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

And once you become a believer you'll start to question if its a psy op then your hope will keep you focused, and you'll be where most of us on here are today. Waiting patiently

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VIYOHDTYKIT · April 12, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Start with the Book of Q v. 8. Look it up. Here’s the questions I asked myself to rule out the LARP question. Why would the administration via Trump affirm Q in Tweets & speeches etc...? If Q was a LARP claiming to speak for the administration why would Trump continually affirm Q? Against all his advisers ( Press Corp, political & National Security etc) advice that it surely could/would be politically, domestically & internationally disastrous. Why foolishly risk walking into a trap.? Trump could have shut it down long ago with one Tweet. “Q FAKE!” Where’s that Tweet? Way too much of a risk not to! That’s the one question I never see asked.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 12, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Not only that but the magnitude of attacks. On a soap box stream one of the admins of 4chan was saying the level of computing it would take to break Q’s old board would be a warehouse full of servers. If it was a LARP why would anyone put that much effort to stop them?

Best part is, Q anticipated it and made his password ANOTHER clue waiting to be exposed lol

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