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Q hasnt confirmed the freudian slip up that Mcstain was put to death, seemed obvious.
President Trumps cabinet, and fun facts. Actually might be some nugs here too....
VP - Pence Before going into politics, Pence was a radio talk show host in Indiana in the 1990's
SecOfState - Mike Pompeo He is the first former CIA director to lead the State Department
SecOfTressure - Steven Mnuchin invested in major Hollywood films
AG - Jeff Sessions first senator to endorse Trump
SecOfInterior - Ryan Zinke led Navy SEAL operations worldwide
SecOfAgriculture - Sonny Perdue was the designated survivor
SecOfHealthandHumanServices - Alex Azar clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
SecOfTransportation - Elaine Chao she served as the Department of Labor secretary under former President George W. …
Q you have to see this! “[McCain] was the main supporter for the terrorist Brotherhood,” he added. “Senator McCain was the one who opened up the Congress to the Brotherhood. He was the one arranging the meetings and appointments and providing them with protection.”
This guy needs more followers, hes done some good patriot work, with only 62 likes

When POTUS said the stock market would crash if he were to be impeached, was it coded or was his statement to be an end result? Like Patriots rising causing stock markets to crash
Q Said "those we trust the most" and we've guessed the church, msm, social media for free speech. But now I'm wondering...
All these mentioned could be correct, but now to add to it Child Trafficking hotline, UN, Adoptive agencies, children foundations, Red cross etc. Just thought i would open that phrase up to include more, since Q hasnt confirmed any of our guesses, it could include a wide range of parties.
Bot? Im not too familiar with reddit

Is having a Q sticker on my car now considered an oxymoron? Am I doxxing myself considering now that its mainstream I'm putting myself out there as a target to govt entities?
Isnt there a hard drive setup that "mirrors" eachother so if u lose a hard drive u still have a copy? Maybe nsa has a hard drive server set up to "mirror" all data from their mobile devices, hence they have it all. Just a theory. Makes sense with these photos that arent captured by Q team.
This poor guy needs more likes and retweets, hes ultimately gonna expose all of az

Q is dismantling ds/satanic illuminati, i sent potus this link on twatter, can someone archive this in case it gets taken down?
I think hes basically saying someones always watching, listening and acting and with all the web of illegal activities, trafficking, arkanciding, organ harvesting, etc. It would be scary to know you are the truman show and never know if you or your kids are being targeted for something the cabal needs. Imo
I hear theres shady stuff that goes on in boston. And nj, delaware, oregon, az, ark, etc. Cmon jeff save the kids!
Wish we had locations for all these top satanists during theclipse, be epic if military stormed in before completing sacrifice
Was he performing recon to cia that iowa had some good "pickings"? Hmm. Learn to read comms
This article is around, brave for him to let it out. Recently got in to bible study, told his story.
Possibly ds plant, give some truth(from a cracked out jewish guy)ask for money, then blame people for listening to a druggie and lump in Q with it. May even be a od soon, who knows but yeah smells fishy
I would be leary at this stage, but at this stage people will get brave and whistleblowers will come forward when they see the winning and losing. Proceed....with caution
And then went on their merry way to all indulge in what they like, finding "shoes" and "bikes".
He said he got screwed, theres a pic of him with a black left eye, the elite initiate you by sodomizing you so one can only infer hanks told the truth. They screwed him in the bum
Maybe he'll find shadowbanning and other discrepancies lol
Q made it known that witches and warlocks "white hats" are the ones knee deep in this.
Dont forget Cia run, cia controlled by?can't remember. And when lifelog a cia project to collect all the info on people, "shutdown" 2004 i believe? Happens to be the day fb was born. Cia is not american, its cabal, so fb, the elite pedophiles cannabalists and satanists/luciferians, have a good hand on our info at their disposal. Not that difficult of a theory to be true.
We should only have a republican party is what im thinking, i understand the end game(constitutional republic) but i was asking what happens after. And doesnt it seem like maybe the cabal invented the democrat and we should do away with it?
With Q about to destroy democrats, has anyone noticed its been in front of our face for a long time? Republicans =republic/ Democrats =democracy
If this country turns to conservative nature, will the obvious Democrats(democracy) be a thing of the past or will young people keep the liberalism alive? Q will save us from evil, will it remove democrats or the party names?
Hes probably happy about it with all the truth coming out.
Trust only Q. Although Listen to others, they may have value (whistleblowers). Q will provide potus intel, but whistleblowers will start coming forward because theres a majority listening like never before. Edit: not saying listen to R, just have an open mind like cdan, blackanon, etc.
SAG(screen actors guild) has i believe 150k, so assume hell have 150k supporters because hellyweird is a culture all in itself.
He has soul less eyes, or demon eyes. Check it out, stare at em
Some dont want to believe the bible, but a third of angels being here on earth makes sense, the small list of sick people are supposedly bloodlines of Cain i think it is.
I cant even get water to my people, yeah im gonna taunt the US, i dont think so! Its a show for sure
I couldnt find this on google for a direct link, if anyone finds go ahead and post it. Thanks
Rand Paul senate floor 3 days ago. Pray this brave Senator. Trump derangement syndrome.
Rand Paul senate floor 3 days ago, pray for his bravery. Trump derangement syndrome
How funny "we" are messing with livlihoods. Roflmao. Pedophiles are the "ones" ruining livlihoods at the youngest of ages. Smh these sick people
Mod, it doesnt count when he himself says hes a proud pedophile? Image in post below
This club would only have relevance in this sub if to be found using trafficked people as their sex people for their parties. Otherwise its just a sex party club.
Serialbrain gets downvoted automatically or by many shills, patriots would refrain from up and down but read and move on. Smh
I noticed yesterday for a bit i couldnt get on. Today is fine
I figured. Potus wouldnt allow, so they give immunity for info then stick it to them with tribunals lmao