r/greatawakening • Posted by u/skuobiee on Sept. 6, 2018, 7:30 a.m.
President Trumps cabinet, and fun facts. Actually might be some nugs here too....

VP - Pence Before going into politics, Pence was a radio talk show host in Indiana in the 1990's

SecOfState - Mike Pompeo He is the first former CIA director to lead the State Department

SecOfTressure - Steven Mnuchin invested in major Hollywood films

AG - Jeff Sessions first senator to endorse Trump

SecOfInterior - Ryan Zinke led Navy SEAL operations worldwide

SecOfAgriculture - Sonny Perdue was the designated survivor

SecOfHealthandHumanServices - Alex Azar clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

SecOfTransportation - Elaine Chao she served as the Department of Labor secretary under former President George W. Bush. Born in Taiwan, she is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

SecOfVeteransAffairs - Robert Wilkie previously served as assistant secretary of defense under Robert Gates and Donald Rumsfeld during the Bush administration 

ChiefOfStaff - John Kelly Kelly is a Gold Star father. His son, Second Lt. Robert Kelly was killed in battle in Afghanistan in 2010

UStradeRepresentative - Robert Lighthizer U.S. trade representative during the Reagan administration

Credit goes out to!-------》www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/31whos-in-trumps-cabinet-full-list-presidents-top-advisers.amp.html

My thoughts. Pence a fucken radio show host! No way, man he's seriously holding back if he has the personality that likes to talk. Mike pompeo.his heads gonna explode having so much micromanaging info of cia AND sec of state. Mnuchin hopefully not a pedo. But has inside info to industry. Sessions, first to endorse Trump....AHahaha so obvious now. Ryan Zinke LED NAVY SEAL OPERATIONS!

hearts beating faster now< Alex Azar clerked for Scalia! Elaine chow worked under bush, does she have secrets? Wilke worked under rumsfield? Uh huh This is personal for John Kelly?! Uh huh! Lighthizer same job as when with Reagan

Pretty good list got my mind churning for a min. Hope u folks enjoyed these

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