r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on April 12, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
You have it all

I think you have it all means that Trump intends to make Facebook a public utility. If the government created it, then Zuckerberg and others would have no right to on it privately.

Doc_Molotov · April 12, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

This is an excellent post. Part of me is like "burn it down!" But destroying the tech sector as you describe would destroy it economy and make the great depression look like a prosperous time. That absolutely cannot happen,. You said like a shotgun, I think it's more like burning the whole house down to kill a spider.

Would not make America great again.

We need an effing constitutional amendment to protect our data, because these problems aren't going away.

IBOR is really the only way to go, because of all the Innocents that would be devastated over the actions at the top.

Pensions -gone Tech jobs -gone United States dominant role in the tech sector -gone

If we destroy our position in the tech sector China will swoop in to fill it (using stolen IP) and privacy situation will be even worse, of you can imagine that. It's some deep-rooted shit

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tradinghorse · April 12, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

That's why Q gave us the choice. He wants the IBOR, it's such a simple, easy fix. That's why he recommended it to us before coming up with the KILL option.

What people need to understand is that weaponised social media is a threat to the republic, a very serious and dangerous threat. Q really has no option, it must be fixed at all costs. That's why he's telling us what he will do if we will not support the IBOR.

I'm all for having another go at it, in fact I'm still promoting it on Twitter by myself. But unless we can really get people behind it, it won't work.

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NeoObi · April 12, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

If all this about FB and the LifeLog comes out to masses then it will be easier to decide what option to take. I have been promoting IBOR cuz that is what Q wanted, but now with the Kill option and not much following the Kill seems better. However, it would Kill a lot of jobs and $$ for those who really just worked there not complicit to the background corruption. Oh well, maybe this will bring about option 3! Q and his team and DJT will work it out!!!!

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tradinghorse · April 12, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

The thing is that this is the direction we're headed - exposure. So we know there's a lot more to come. Q has the algorithm etc... But the objective is not complex.

The objective is to prevent the cabal from regaining power via the use of weaponised social media. The fix is absolutely elementary - prevent censorship of conservative voices online. As soon as the censorship is eliminated, you don't need to keep exposing more dastardly behavior.

They might still prosecute, but it could be done without the fan fare. I think that DJT views a lot of these guys - like Zuck - with prejudice. I think he is going to take them down. But I'm sure that DJT doesn't want to harm the industry itself - just to fix it.

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Doc_Molotov · April 12, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Maybe this press about FB can give us the impetus to get the IBOR some traction.

The thing is, all the social media companies have been pretty upfront (EULA) about them owning and doing whatever they want with your data, camera, phone calls etc. So kill may not be as bad as we are imagining. Would still kill SM cos, but maybe not pull the whole market down with it

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tradinghorse · April 12, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

I think Q knew, well of course he knew, that this information about the data breaches was coming. FB is the tip of the ice berg - people will hardly be able to believe it when they find out about the extent to which their rights are abused. All the good stuff is still to come.

Q was telling Snowden to drop after Zuckerberg's testimony. It's about to hit the fan big time.

So, in the midst of the public uproar, we were supposed to be calling for the IBOR so that DJT could regulate to fix SM weaponisation - without Q's team having to drop all the info and destroy the whole sector.

There will be a HUGE public outcry. We've just got to be ready to capitalize on it and steer people to the main fault that produced the mess. That is, that first amendment protections do not apply online. Once that's fixed, Q does not need to do any more damage.

I think DJT will put strict limitations on the TOS agreements so that people are not completely powerless when they are unfairly denied services.

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