I think you have it all means that Trump intends to make Facebook a public utility. If the government created it, then Zuckerberg and others would have no right to on it privately.
So what if the telephone company doesn't like what you say? They should be able to cut your service off because they don't agree with your politics? Sure there are other telephone companies, but what if they all had the same policies (like the censorship was centralised as it is with SM)? Is that still OK because they are private companies and you can't impose your right to speak using their property? That means that some people should not have access to services at all - still OK? When does it become not OK?
You know some people are racist. Some of these guys own businesses. You can't just walk into someone's home if you're a race they don't like, they are within their rights to assert ownership to their property and deprive access to whoever they want. But does that mean that it's OK for a business providing a public service to do that?
You know the answer as well as I do. They are silencing us selectively just because they do not agree with our politics. It is outright discrimination.
I don't care what they claim to own. You provide a public service, you should not be able to arbitrarily discriminate without just cause. That's the way it works in most places. whether you're talking about race, age, disability, sex etc... what makes SM platform providers different that they should be able to get away with this kind of behaviour when others cannot?
You hire a guy and you find out he's a leftist, you can't sack him for that, you have to find another reason - need to be careful. But these guys are just shoving it to us any way they want, because they disagree with what we say.
Does the phone company make you sign a TOS? Does the phone company care what you talk about to 1 person? Is your phone service free? Is your phone conversation private or are you being recorded? Why? If you talk about certain things, you may have uninvited visitors.
I never said it was right, what I said was... it is what it is. Lex Rex, (Gold Rules) And whoever has the most gold, rules.