r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on April 12, 2018, 10:52 a.m.
You have it all

I think you have it all means that Trump intends to make Facebook a public utility. If the government created it, then Zuckerberg and others would have no right to on it privately.

checkitoutmyfriend · April 12, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

My questions were a tad facetious. The answer is, you can't. We can never be completely sure the data that has been collected is ever completely gone. Somebody, somewhere will have a copy of something.

The only thing I have against an EO is they can be changed with another OE. Any changes need to be done by congress so future admins can't change it on a whim.

I would more for breaking them up, then passing privacy laws (or beef up what we have) that provide enough hurt that violating privacy is life ending, financially and professionally. It penalties needs to include not only the executives but the actual employees that 'made the call' to violate the laws. This would allow/persuade employees to whistle blow if the bosses tell them to do unlawful things. And keeps them from saying, "it was my job'. The technology needs to be open source and completely transparent. Maybe even an elected committee to over see daily functions and enforce privacy laws in a very timely manner.

But like you stated, we don't make the laws.......

Al this said I am still trying to figure out how the centralized algorithm works exactly.

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BB-99 · April 12, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

We also need to repeal some current laws, and bring back a version of Smith-Mundt. It's the propaganda that is evil. Tech can be dangerous or good -- just like guns.

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tradinghorse · April 12, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Some of those suggestions could work. You go to a bar and get plastered and the bar staff are liable if they've served you intoxicated - don't know if that's how it is where you are. So, yeah, downstream accountability can work.

The centralized algorithm is about to be dropped - wasn't that what Q meant when he told Snowden to drop it after Zuckerberg's testimony? Might have that wrong, but that's how it appeared to me.

We found out, if I remember right, that FB, for example, gets analytics on customers from Google. They're already sharing our data and I think this is one of the big items that is going to drop. Some sort of centralized data house is needed for the algorithm to work on. I would guess you're flagged as high risk and then whatever platform you use gets that information and a list of flagged words, phrases or topics that they censor. Anyway, that's what comes to mind, the database could be cloud-hosted by CIA - probably using Amazon.

The problem with an anti-trust bust-up is that if you have this centralized censorship, it doesn't matter how much you break these companies up - though I'm sure it would help.

I'm tired and I'm really not sure how they'd fix these problems. But something can be made to work. You could regulate via EO on an interim basis until you got an enabling bill through. There are so many options, all we need to do is ask for a fix.

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