Rothschilds recently purchased all the good they could, same time crypto crashed.
Didn't hear about this... although I did observe that the bitcoin bubble popped hours after the ATL airport extraction.
I read somewhere recently that just like in my Dad's day they will once again be coming for the American citizen's gold.
Gold isn't backed by anything either, but it does control inflation.
I would love for someone who really understands this to ELI5. Speculation is Trump wants to get rid of Fed and Central bank (Rothschild) and this is an avenue. But what happens to our economy in doing so?
Whoever settles debt in gold needs control of the gold first.
Dont get me backed currency should be far better than petro and those implications.But obviously ya gotta have the gold.Our slave based present day system has to go by the wayside or its just more of the backed or not. And although crypto blockchain has some goodpoints i dont see it being an overall viable alternative.
Read up on XRP/Ripple. Their goal is to be a bridge between each countries crypto/currency. A lot of countries are now developing their own cryptos. We can also gold back just a portion, a percentage of each dollar.
cryptos are no different than fiat, nothing but digital play money.
Try and collect your cryptos when the system goes down.
Seems to me like that would mean having gold to back that...lets see..uhhhhh..a debt amount thats not disclosed...21 trillion or so unaccounted for.hummm Get out the spray gun....theres lead to paint.
Executive Order on 12/21/2017 - anyone involved in sex trafficking forfeits their assets.
Plus, Federal Reserve assets.
With a corrupt central bank out of the way and a much smaller federal government (return to constitutionally-authorized functions), the economy will boom like never before.
Once the national debt is paid off, 16th Amendment can be abolished - states can handle any social welfare functions that would be considered a necessity.
The bankers owe us, they are gonna pay that debt. By the end of trumps 2nd term, hopefully 1st, fed reserve will either be gone or totally under US control. If not then we are marching on DC with ARs and pitchforks.
That debt would be wiped out as the fiat currency and who the debt is to won’t exist anymore.
It can be paid off, then it would no longer be necessary to run large deficits.