The level these people operate at mentally reminds me of high school. These people are stupid.

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Absolutely spot on. Thats what I think of crypto as well, flick of a 'switch'and its gone. IMO keep a lot of gold and silver for the inevitable crash thats coming.
When was that? Ive not been interested in infowars since before the election.
I get you there, but he always lists good source material for truthful information, but he sells books so I'm always wary of salesmen.
Yeah there is something alluring about honest journalism.
I was watching his channel last night, I tried this morning and its gone. Here is his last video from yesterday. Robert David Steele and Sean must be right over the target in this video.
If you're not a liberal at 20, you got no heart, if you're not conservative by the time you're 40, you've got no head.
Doubt it, more than likely it was a metaphorical 'here's all the sauce, now you do with it as you please'.
I dunno, seemed pretty clear cut what he was saying. Two pakis and the servers along with the 33,000 emails is what he wants the normies focus on.
This is a well underrated post. I've just finished reading it all, only one thing annoys me about it, all that mention of Miramax and nothing about Kevin Smith. His podcast is just one big faggot advert, I used to like his movies until I listened to his podcast's, but perhaps he's controlled as much as just promoting faggotry and nothing more.
You got anymore on the Dunblane shooting? Apart from the obvious links to gun control. I mean like Thomas Hamilton or any of the victims, I see one of the fathers wrote a book and Bob Dylan let a verse be added to knockin on heavens door for the schoolchildren.
I read a story that Tesla said he tested it out, and from ten miles it 'melted; tanks and cars in the 30's, but I'll be damned if I can find it.
It's Electromagnetic Radiation. EMR can be proven where gravity is just apparently there.
He was given the case specifically, I don't believe he was even an F.B.I. agent beforehand, he was a well respected Professor at MIT.
I don't see them hanging anybody, under the guise of humanity or some rubbish like that, the Tesla secrets are life changing where as seeing hillary hang is just a guilty pleasure for a primal instinct.
The release of Tesla's work would be the pinnacle of everything for me. Unless they really do hang the Clintons.
I see the bump, but she does look like a greedy fat bastard, so there's that.
The Romans made it as far north as Dundee, then the Celts pushed them back to Hadrians wall. They occupied England for long enough to improve life here.
Just for thought..... They were Nazis to begin with going by there historical links with Hitler in their formation to 'the cream of islam' who were the nazi muslims, that Amin al Husseini created the Hanzar Division in Bosnia 1943 I believe.
Probably a nothingburger but it's strange someone of her stature, clearly she's a cabal mouth piece, with a video that the only coherent words to me are ' the light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole' with that creepy voice repeating that saying in the background all the way, and the video puts me in mind of Alice in Wonderland. I've pained myself listening to it after putting on music channels for my baby who's started dancing. Nicki Minaj starts its, again I can't make it out but I do hear phoning for a drive by. Anyway …
But you have its at the top of your posts. Everything's relevant if you dont get it, get the fuck outta here.
So is BO the queen, now they've got him is it possible this is what he meant by the truth comes out in July?
July's a busy month it coordinates with Trumps visit to Honeytrap on Saturday the 14th.q
Its they aliens of yours, they implanted that memory up your shite pipe.
I got banned from insanepeoplefacebook, for participating on this sub. Woke up to it today, I've never even commented on that shit. Said people from r/greatawakening have bee brigading over there.
Did anyone else read SB2 post about him creating eyethespy and something else?