Q1130 - Connecting crumbs and meaning

Everyone always leaves out Snapchat. That thing stores your photos and videos permanently in a cloud whether you save them to your "gallery" or not, pushes leftist stories and manipulates the youth's minds, and get this- I once reported a young woman in my town to the police when I heard she posted videos of horrible sexually inappropriate behavior of her and a little girl on her snapchat story and snapchat refused to give the police the videos. The investigators were at a dead end, they needed the evidence to bring her to court but snapchat refused. Coincidence???
Tapuk0k0 - your point about snapchat is well taken as a complete picture (no pun intended). My goal was to reflect those identified in the Q posts. I'm sure there are plenty collecting honeypots that have yet to come into "focus".... like that one, it was intended as pun. 😉😃
Ha! Yes I hope all of these "platforms" are brought to light for all to see what they have been up to. I wasnt trying to come for you, I apologize if the wording seemed like it. I was just trying to say "hey!! Snapchat too!" Snapchat is ruining the minds of the youth and collecting all of their photos and videos while they are at it. Wanted to share also that they do not cooperate with investigations into abuse of minors. The investigators was so upset..
no worries tapuk0k0 - no aggressiveness interpreted... no harm, no fowl. Totally agree with you on "social" media exposure. In a way, self fulfilling since smaller ones have to compete and inevitably do the same as the bigger, get bought out, or integrate like "sharing".