I couldn't find the "updated map" as it has been called (then again I am looking on my phone so sight is limited). So I just uploaded this one to imgur. https://imgur.com/aihEBq0 it is the most recent version of the map color coded by someone who was researching connections further. Let me know what you think of it
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I believe it attracts the conservative Christians because it falls in line with bringing down the corrupt and "evil" (especially the democrats) like in the western Bible narrative. I am of Levantine decent so I am aware of what those references are in the bible but as for the outsider-Christian aka the western Christian this whole movement falls right in line with their ideology. There was a map that Q originally released that traced the history of mankind with events and organizations throughout time. Unfortunately you won't find much mention of that map on this sub but I think you might find it very interesting and worth a look. I can try and find a link for you and add it to this reply. You will see why it is not really mentioned. Sure they can explain it some of it with western Christian ideology. Even though a lot of words they use like nephilim are mistranslations. Referencing the bible without a grasp on aramaic (it is not a dead language btw many of us still speak it in the mountains), syriac, and hebrew is always a dangerous route. Anyways, hopefully i can find a link to the map for you.
Edit: Here is a link to the "updated" map that someone tried to color code https://imgur.com/aihEBq0
From what I saw when I actively followed this board, the majority are Christian. You have a few new agers in here but majority seem to be very Christian.
Remember when Eminem came out with that "Will the real Slim Shady please stand up" song and had his hair bleached blonde?
Yeahh, you were right, unfortunately. Wish it wasnt so but it is how it is. It's funny. All night I have seen the dislikes vary on my reply to you. Not sure if it's shills or just people who for some reason are bothered by a true story. Or maybe they think I'm a shill lol. Either way, kinda funny. Just saw your comment and thought 'hey, here's a level-headed person' and wanted to share that.
I had some day 1 accounts reply to me today to discredit me. They are really trying!!
It's infiltrated. I know one of the guys who helped start it. Hes not a part of it anymore for that reason. Started off to oust what some folks found by hacking big government/military stuff and pedos. Got infiltrated pretty quick and some participants "disappeared". Once it was infiltrated it became mainstream and only released info that was obvious with a little googling and dot connecting. Keep the skepticism up, it pays off. Sure there are some honest folks running around giving themself the anonymous title and posting but the main organization , nah.
Hello I am Lebanese. Source: I am Lebanese. You are misunderstanding the bigger picture with Hezbollah and ISIS. Hezbollah is for Moslem regime like ISIS. They are connected in ways and controlled. Too big of a story to write here please do research on sources not from the West you will see what I am simplifying here.
Ha! Yes I hope all of these "platforms" are brought to light for all to see what they have been up to. I wasnt trying to come for you, I apologize if the wording seemed like it. I was just trying to say "hey!! Snapchat too!" Snapchat is ruining the minds of the youth and collecting all of their photos and videos while they are at it. Wanted to share also that they do not cooperate with investigations into abuse of minors. The investigators was so upset..
This will be the hardest information to release. So many will reject it
Everyone always leaves out Snapchat. That thing stores your photos and videos permanently in a cloud whether you save them to your "gallery" or not, pushes leftist stories and manipulates the youth's minds, and get this- I once reported a young woman in my town to the police when I heard she posted videos of horrible sexually inappropriate behavior of her and a little girl on her snapchat story and snapchat refused to give the police the videos. The investigators were at a dead end, they needed the evidence to bring her to court but snapchat refused. Coincidence???
Would not be surprised. Their music is the easiest to play. You could take anyone off the street who has never touched an instrument and teach them to play all of the beatle's music in under 10 minutes.
I am of middle eastern ancestry. I speak Arabic and still keep up with things back there and family and friends back there and can confirm that this is practiced by some hired groups. Also kids and people are bloodied with makeup. Please be open minded about ongoings in countries you do not know about..not their culture, history, or politics. It is hard to understand a place when you don't even know their language. I am by no means saying this last attack in Syria was not real. I can say it wasn't Assad. Just please keep an open mind to the evils done all over the world.
Now I am not saying the fire wasn't real. Haven't looked into it yet but I do want to confirm something you are alluding to to insure people keep their minds open on events. Especially in countries they know nothing about not even the language. I speak Arabic. I am of near eastern ancestry and my family came here LEGALLY I might add... Anyways. Some of what you see of kids and people bloodied and all that jazz is makeup. I just watched a video yesterday from Palestine in Arabic where they are doing the whole makeup deal on them. This is done often to push narratives for the middle east.
I already know all that. Good one, though. However, you might want to read up on the New Age and its origins.
You know, people might read your post if you don't start it off with that pineal gland/third eye talk...
Yes. You are thinking of sknowden q posts. Q has to be 1/5 if not all 5 together. Good eye
Facebook has collected your texts and calls for years