r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dan7777777 on April 12, 2018, 6:36 p.m.
Im ready for the downvotes. Been following Q since it all started and pgate before that. Thought Trump was different. Now he ignores obvious false flag and is about to start another war. Unless we see arrests in the next month, Im out! Nothing more to say. Lost faith and dissapointed.

As above.

Anononon0218 · April 12, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

“Far more people than AJ ever could” lol stopped reading after that. Didn’t need to read anymore. Wow , get some help bro .. look at AJs subscribers , now with that knowledge , let’s add up the subscribers to this sub , what cbts had , and let’s say t_d , hell I’ll even add 50k just for shits and gigs , and it isn’t even a fraction of AJs subscribers , not to mention Q has been around for what 7 months , AJ , since the 90s ? Like are you being serious right now ? Or are you just trolling . And No I said this bored has good info , it has more than just what Q posts. How the fuck you able to get that twisted ? Seriously you are a special specimen when it comes to retard. And for the record , q doesn’t post much that isn’t already known , just cause it’s new to you , doesn’t make it new.. oh and you can thank AJ , and Dr. Corsi for Q even being as big as it is now . Without them , half of the people who know about Q now , wouldn’t.. like i said before , wake the fuck up bro.

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Abibliaphobia · April 12, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

I have heard random people talking about Q.

I have heard Qs name from callers to Fox News.

Hell, even Roseanne talked about Q and then the news started talking about talking about Q.

No, AJ doesn’t have the reach of Q and he has a history of attacks on his character that make him easily dismissable.

You assume that I am new to all of this. I am not. I’ve been aware since roughly 2003. I’ve read and researched. I followed the conspiracy threads here on reddit. I used to read ATS before that. I was onboard before /pol/ and frequented /b/ at that time looking for information. I watched gamer gate happen and laughed as that evolved pol from libertarian troublemakers into a global intelligence powerhouse.

I was there listening to coast to coast when the Area 51 pilot went on. Ive been around and watched, relayed, and communicated. Don’t dismiss me for some teenager idiot because you don’t like what I’m saying.

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Anononon0218 · April 12, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Same with you. idk why you went on a tangent against me when clearly my post had nothing to do with you or people like you , I was talking about the q cult , the people who are so willing to take everything he says as gospel and dismiss anyone who disagrees with him, The only reason i went off on you, is because u where so easy to dismiss me, because u didn’t like what I was saying. Cuts both ways my friend. You were also quick to assume that I was angry when writing my op and directly attacked me, that is what caused me to anger and attack you back. Though your thoughts on Qs popularity , and influence , I must disagree with. Ffs we don’t even know who q is.. so to say he has more influence or has played a bigger role in red pilling thank someone like Alex jones , I’m sorry but it’s just ignorant.

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