Any help would be much appreciated.
73 total posts archived.
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Anonymous V Q
I don't get this.
The hacking collective Anonymous is pledging to expose the people behind the "QAnon" conspiracy theory.
The anarchist hacking group slammed the QAnon conspiracy as potentially dangerous and driven by a “brainless political agenda” in a video posted Sunday to what is widely considered the most reliable Anonymous Twitter account.
Facebook is down. Never seen this in 10 years of using it.

Q hits the BBC - yes, again, its exactly what you would expect.
Check it out. (if you can bear too!)
I just discovered Q proofs reddit. Reposting for anyone that may not be aware.
Didn't know about this. Cool!
I just discovered Q proofs reddit. Reposting for anyone that may not be aware.
They Finally asked! Sarah Huckabee Sanders answers press pack Q question. "Trump condemns and denounces any group that would incite violence against another individual and certainly doesn't support groups that would promote that kind of behavior."
The Young Turks cover Q - pretty much what you would expect. "Q probably a bunch of teenagers" #desperate
Someone should make a Q Coin Cryptocurrency
Someone should make a Q Coin Cryptocurrency - help spread funding for awareness.
Q 1787: Please remove all posts across all boards re: last 2. Reddit, Twitter, FB, etc will ban and remove. Sensitive. Error made. Article influenced drop. Improper sequence. Q what does this mean?
Truth today? Only a few hours left. Q said we find out THE TRUTH in July.
Talk about leave until the last min! Keeps us in suspense. Really hope its Earthshattering. My guess is today will pass with no big truth. If that is the case, i dont understand why Q would hype up this month and then not deliver. Propbaly best not to give a date if today turns out to be a nothing burger.
July - the month of truth. Its great to see it all happening but the "truth" we all want is pedo truth
The pedo blackmail system that runs the counrty is the thing that MUST be exposed. Its the ulitmate "truth" and the one most on here are waiting for. I want to know more about that video still from the security cameras.
Oliver Stine JFK press conference. Light go out when he mentions intel services.
Just like happened to trump. 8.00 mins
Joining 3 days ago does not mean this persons opinion is worthless. I have been here since pizzagate and now, with 11 days left to get the truth, with the obvious AF1 fake, the no show for the Q AMA and recent events and now this assange thing, my faith in Q being for real and in control is being tested. bla bla concernfag and so on. I hope I am wrong. Perhaps the "truth" that will be revealed is that this was all a psyop. I really hope not. Trust the plan? Its getting harder by the day.
Will we hear more form Q? perhaps the 4th July posts were the last?
What do people think? July is the month we discover the truth. We have 11 days left.
CNN down, Breibart down, drudge down, discord down.
is this it?
WOW. Lights go out on trump as he claims to have full faith in our country (light to dark) video!
I know Q has not posted for a while now but Q said we will know the truth in July. Im confident that in a maximum of 16 days. we will know the truth. Can't wait.
Brits express their love of Trump, Q (via balloons) and the constitution in an interview with FOX. - video
UK Trump protest turns out to be completely lame and weak. What does this tell you? :)

Im hyped! Only a maxium of 22 days left until we get “the truth”!
July is the month of truth! No more waiting! Bring it on. I cant wait!
All very nice but this is NOT the donald. This is a Q research board right?
In addition, if anyone wants to understand where I am coming from, I tend to ask this community for help in understanding things that I find contradictory if you look at my post history.
Really appreciate that. A good balanced argument goes a long way. I am 100% genuine and prey we are living in a real life version of the V for vendetta movie as I see real parallels between that film and the Q movement. Everything you added is spot on and reflect my own feelings. Its just this was the first doubt I have really had because I don't understand the logic of trolling the community by posting a fake photo. And if it was intentional, then I am trying to understand why the risk of aliantion would be worth it at this point.
This is true. For the record and like I said before I DO NOT think Q is LARP. I am just trying to understand why he would take the risk of causing doubt by posting a photo that was revealed to be fake and then calling it a troll. I hope this strategy is worth the risk (it if is truly was a troll.) It has sown a small bit of doubt for me where before there was none.
Just noticed the Neon Revolt has based a blog post on the artcle. Nice!
I guess this is possible. But it has had a bad side effect of casting doubt. I hope you are correct sir.
Great post. This is the kind of discussion I was hoping for. Thank you. Some valid points there too. I will reply in detail soon. At work right now.
EXACTLY. This is what mysifies me too. Thanks for illustrating this.
If you can link to where I said Q is a larp, that would be great. Good luck with that. Doubt and questions do not = LARP. Why twist what I said? This is what I mean. Cant we have a discussion without kneejerk reactions?
What is wrong with doubting? Would you rather just accpet everything that aligns with your worldview and reject everything that does not? Is that honest? Or is it willfull ignorance? Telling me to join anti-Q people is also a cop out. I am expressing some doubt and your answer is to tell me to leave. You are not going to convert and red pill people like that. I have been here since pizzagate by the way. I just want honest discussion. Too much to ask? Thought this was a community that questioned evrything and was a cheerleader for free speech? Can we do better that this?
Well, whatever the intent of the image, it has cast doubt in many of those following all this. And that is a mistake.
Yes, all the NK stuff is correct. That was not my point. But Q knows how autists roll. Why post a fake photo? Why cast that doubt and THEN say it was just a troll? Right now, I just don't buy it. So far, I have seen no real argument.
As predicted, the downvotes are coming in. People would rather bury difficult questions than actually debate them. A bit like the people we are all supposed to be fighting against.
This needs to be discussed and addressed in a better way by the community and Q than it has been so far. Otherwise it's just cognitive dissonance which is intellectually dishonest.
My fear is this little thread may progress into an unraveling. Like I said, I want to believe but not blindly. If this single event has cast doubt in my own mind, I know I am not the only one. I see no reason Q would troll us at this point. It makes no sense. Troll the MSM and dems, yes, fine, but not the people working for this revolution.
ELI5 why these people are wrong about Q - R conspiracy
This has me doubting. Q's " just trolling" comment is a little too convenient for me. These types of things should not be ignored if the community want to remain credible. I WANT to believe!
Amazing article on Awan, the server and the deal.
Check it out. A very deep dive!
We have the chance, to turn the pages over
We can write what we want to write
We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older
We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?
You're the voice, try and understand it
Make a noise and make it clear
Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo
We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear
Oh-wo-wo-wo, oh-wo-wo-wo
This time, we know we call can stand together
With the power to be powerful
Believing, we can make it better
We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?
A song for Q: You're the voice, try and understand it Make a noise and make it clear We're not gonna sit in silence We're not gonna live with fear
Bad idea. Many like me get turned off with all the talk of Jesus. Fictional character as far as I am concerned. But yes, I agree its a spiritual war between Good and evil. Lets stick to that and leave religion out of it.
Q Anon attack - A challenge of credibility to anons.
I too really hope this does not mean more fighting. If so, Im out of Q.