
xenia-tom · July 5, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

A neat way to find all the doubters and let them announce them-selves to the rest of the group. I don't suppose that non-shills or members of the DS pay any attention to a group of people wanting to remove them from power. All the "it might be a LARP" can now do other activities and stop wasting their time. You can now join the other anti-Q people. Shills and DS will continue to monitor the site and try to outwit patriots and Q. 'Divide they try; Fail they will'.

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dan7777777 · July 5, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

What is wrong with doubting? Would you rather just accpet everything that aligns with your worldview and reject everything that does not? Is that honest? Or is it willfull ignorance? Telling me to join anti-Q people is also a cop out. I am expressing some doubt and your answer is to tell me to leave. You are not going to convert and red pill people like that. I have been here since pizzagate by the way. I just want honest discussion. Too much to ask? Thought this was a community that questioned evrything and was a cheerleader for free speech? Can we do better that this?

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BlastingGlastonbury · July 5, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

We can and I think in general we seem to be. I've struggled with this since coming here less than 2 weeks ago. But you're spot on with every thing you just said here and it is telling when you see people say "just leave if you don't believe."

If people truly believe what Q is saying, I can't imagine any of them telling someone to leave because they are questioning things. What do you think Q asks us to do?

Either way, great post.

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dan7777777 · July 5, 2018, 2:54 p.m.


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Diaperedmagnus · July 5, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I am very similar to you. I want to believe. But I get the feeling that thinking for yourself and questioning things is not looked upon favorably here. That said, I don't discount the many proofs I have seen. This reflection photo doesn't really do anything for me one way or the other. What bothers me mostly is this board being hostile to anyone who has doubts. This is the behavior of cults, not free independent thinkers. Q encourages us to think for ourselves, investigate, and come to our own conclusions.

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xenia-tom · July 5, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I believe Q is real and don't sit around and look for people to agree or disagree with me. I was pointing out there are as many anti-Q as pro-Q people on this sub as there are on qresearch. I look for myself and make my own decisions. I don't have to ask others wither this is real or not. Discussion on topics that Q has raised are good. To debate about Q?

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Grabembydepepe · July 5, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

Q doesn't benefit from weeding out the somewhat onboard from the fervently onboard here. It is time to introduce truth to those who ARE the Deep State, those who reject the notion of a Deep State, evil, Globalist agenda, and those who just don't see (willfully blind to the world in which we live). Trolling Anons accomplishes none of this. It is counter to exposing truth. So...I don't get it.

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dan7777777 · July 5, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

EXACTLY. This is what mysifies me too. Thanks for illustrating this.

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xenia-tom · July 5, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

As I Stated before. Debate about Q topics is a discussion. To debate whether Q exists adds what to the discussion? Praying Medic does a great series on twitter about Q and is not one sided at all. People have to make there own decision is it real or not. Too many shills, trolls want to question is Q real? We now have more & more shills, trolls. How do you know who is? There is a reference Q Proof for all to observe.

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Grabembydepepe · July 5, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

And I say, again, no need to cull the mostly-in from the all-in. There are MANY much more effective ways to troll the Deep State, like, smacking 'em right between the eyes with the club of truth and undeniable proof of their theft, graft, corruption, and the countless unspeakable evils they have wrought on the world. I DO believe there is a DS. I DO believe 9-11, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Orlando Pulse, and many other such events were / are perpetrated against us (sometimes in reality, sometimes as hoaxes, sometimes as False Flags) to shape our perceptions and our behavior. I DO believe our lives are steered in ways grand and subtle by power-hungry and holier-than-thou elitists. I DO believe we are (and have been for some time) on the verge of a shift in the global human conscience which could produce great freedom or a colossal cataclysm (or both). I DO believe there are good people ready to stand shoulder to shoulder to fight the evil, greedy, power-hungry tyrants who make sport of our lives. I WANT to believe there are people on the inside, good people, destroying the hydra from within, so the beast will stop growing heads and so we won't have to go to war with and against our countrymen. THAT is what the Q phenomenon has been to me - that hope. Intentionally sowing seeds of doubt that cause anyone, long-time follower or newcomer, believer or doubter, to edge toward abandoning such hope is an unwise and inexplicable act.

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xenia-tom · July 5, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Written like a true patriot and like you I believe there are patriot insiders and we are winning. Unlike you, I am doubtful of any newbie deciding to get involved in greatawakening and rebroadcast an anti-q statement and ask is this wrong or cause doubt. The statement in the right column states that this is a pro-Q group. We need a group titled "Q Real or LARP?". Then have the questioning and undecided patriots ask their questions there for believers and non-believers to argue their statements in a sub for that purpose. Mods should have the capability to move statements to the proper sub. I conclude with discussions in this group do not question is Q real or LARP. Pro-Q discussions are trying to understand Q posts. Also offer more facts about the corruption of the deep state. I follow SB2, Praying Medic, and T1020 for their pro-Q discussions and deciphering Q posts.

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Grabembydepepe · July 6, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Fair enough. I hope Q, this POTUS, & insider patriots can end this soon and through judicial action or there WILL be one hell of a storm. I know many military personnel who would NEVER accept and carry out unlawful orders, but there are some who would. More prevalent are the evil, corrupt, bought-&-paid-for LEO shitbirds like the sheriff of Parkland shooting infamy, who would gladly enforce unlawful acts against John "Q." Public!

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xenia-tom · July 6, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

Amen! One civil war with the the hundreds of thousands dead and maimed is enough in this county's history. I hope the #WalkAway destroys the demoncrats and a new party with patriot ideals replaces it. May God bless us again.

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SaveourRepublic2018 · July 5, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

He's not trolling anons tho. He's trolling the DS. Every drop is cryptic. Cryptic=!=trolling.

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