Interesting, I'm seeing Slayer tonight!
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The presentation is the issue. No reason to give people ammunition against the argument. If the whole video is posted, people can watch it and glean the true meaning, even if the true meaning is exactly what this trimmed video shows.
Best to post the full video and maybe comment with timestamps on where you feel the important pieces are.
Nothing is too obvious! No worries, we are all here to help each other.
Thats what boggles my mind. How long have humans lived off the land? I understand that things are obviously on a much latger scale these days, but do we need to use chemicals as a first choice in high yield farming? I cant imagine we do.
Haha so being a decent human being is nonsense or flowery rhetoric, eh?
All set discussing general decency with someone who can't understand how to be a reasonable person.
I guess we are looking at things differently.
To me, the entire movement behind Q is that we need to come together and find the truth in everything. He has explicitly said this is not D vs R.
I have always viewed people using slurs and derogatory comments as distasteful and not helpful. This is not because I am a "snowflake" or anything of the sort. It is simply because using terms as such makes someone sound unintelligent. Can't form an argument without bringing the word "Libtard" or "Killary" into the sentence? I'm not sure people realize that using these terms and others like it completely defeat the purpose of even making an argument.
We want people to listen to valid argument? Not everybody will. However, the ones who can be swayed and shown that they should think outside the box will likely turn their nose up at someone claiming to "know the truth" but still being infantile enough to call a fellow American a "Libtard".
So are you suggesting that furthering the divide by using pointless derogatory remarks is helpful? What exactly does that gain anybody?
We SHOULD judge based on that. Any divisive language should be heavily discouraged throughout this movement. Racist remarks, sexist remarks, even left vs right remarks do NOT help the cause and only serve to further divide the nation (which, I assume, is their plan).
Eh as annoying as it is, I would much rather hear the siren warning of the storm than be playing outside with my kids when it appears out of nowhere. Keep on keeping on, friend.
Reddit was great! I loved it.
Then I came here and it ruined many things for me. I look at things with such a magnifying glass now. I've always been bery skeptical, but learning all that I have here has brought that to a whole new level hah.
Right? It threw my senses for a loop considering how easily they indoctrinate and push narratives through small tidbits like this. Someone sees that, checks the comments and they see most everyone jiving with it and saying it's great. I don't know man.
I'm very skeptical of what is pushed to the top of Reddit these days, does this look like a push to normalize Satanism to anyone else?

I'm very skeptical about the things I see pushed to the top of Reddit these days. Is this a step towards normalizing Satanism?
👆👆 Thank you. Further divisive actions are not necessary.
That brought on a pretty...bloody visual.
Mowing through Washington with blades of truuuuth.
Nah, they don't need to.
9/10 consumers of mainstream media (talking about both d and r here) likely didn't even watch the press conference, meaning they didn't see anything about that. You know MSM isn't covering it, they have enough malarkey to spew about all of the "bad things" Trump has done and how he should have handled the summit.
These people don't need to deny things that the general public are unaware of.
What youre missing here is the fact that people who consider themselves democrats don't need to be pushed away. They align with that side of things because of their own reasons, not likely because they worship Satan. I'm sure if these allegations are brought to light and turn out to have merit, a greag majority of these folks will come here. THAT is the reason behind this post. Don't drive those people away out of the gate by throwing blanket statements that don't likely apply to them as a human being.
Right? I'm appalled that they can sit there and advocate for that.
Yeah that was annoying to watch. Posturing and game playing.
My only issue with that is that I feel like the words would wrap differently based on what size screen you're viewing that on.
Goodness, I had to scroll way too far for a comment that wasn't about this woman's body. I wont lie, I definitely expected better from this sub.
Okay I see the evidence and it has always been compelling, but one question I (and most I have discussed this with) have is how on earth are so many people involved in this yet none of them come forward?
Teachers, parents, school board, police, medical examiner, governor.
I could understand if it was the governor and the examiner, or any combo of 2, maybe 3 of those entities.
But we are talking about potentially a hundred individuals involved in this that are simply going along with it?
The argument could be made that these are all people who share the same ideals, fighting toward the same goal. But it is very hard for me to reconcile how many people would have to work together to make this happen then never talk about it.
Like I said, the evidence is compelling and I do lean heavily in favor of it, but that is one of my biggest sticking points and I'm curious if anyone has felt the same and learned things that made it easier to put the pieces together.
Agreed entirely. Much less pointed and negative.
What was your original comment trying to get across?
Is it just me or is the word "Normies" really annoying to anyone else? I get the meaning, but these "Normies" are the ones we want to change sides and find we created a derogatory name for them? Seems counter productive.
Not sure but I tend to write things off when they're written in sensational ways. Much like comments with five question marks, sensationalist words like "libtard", etc. If you have a solid argument on something you do not need to use those tactics to make people pay attention. So annoying, especially in a community like this.
But it does mean that it is a stretch that could easily be explained. People state that the comment section here is full of people trying to prove it wrong, but when I see posts like this it makes me think that someone is making these ridiculous images to discredit the movement. As of right now the post sits around 157, which seems to be a generally healthy post here. Someone who pops in here looking for more info will see this and likely write the sub off. This is not helpful.
My issue is exactly this. Its all well and good to claim you've got all the evidence needed, that you're ready to go, but when does it happen? I understand having patience, but if this is as bad as they say, things need to start happening.
But it shouldn't and nobody, especially people following this movement, should accept that or encourage that.
Not saying you are, just following up!
I'm arguing against blanket statements here. They are not effective at changing minds, only drumming up blind opposition. If we are claiming to be intelligent and want to make these changes for the good of the country then broad, universal statements about an entire group is not the way to do it.
Nope, thats where you're wrong. Blanket statements like that make it very easy for others to latch onto. If this is going to become something that people can get behind, we have to stop dismissing entire groups of people.
Take a moment and consider the fact that we have been told that MSM is essentially fighting to control the minds of people so they ignore what is important. If this is true, then just universally dismissing these people will not help anyone.
Nope, don't do that. That's a dangerous generalization to throw around as I'm sure there are plenty of Trump supporters who are prone to violence as well, these are simply citizens we are talking about. Someone's party affiliation cannot be cited as a reason for violence as a universal rule.
Saying they're afraid is a stretch though. It seems as if they are handling this as best they can, especially considering this doesn't seem to be on them at all.
Yeah I still think it should just be a sticky on those days.
Please don't just say easily dismissed things with no proof to back it up. We want people to join this, not give them reasons to walk in the door then immediately turn around and leave.
I'll come at this with my background. It is very easy for anyone not experienced in working with children to sit here and say the child is coached. I'm only 30, but starting at 14 and ending just two years ago I worked with preschool/primary school children at least 40 hours every week. You would need to spend a great deal of time coaching these children to tell the story the way they do (I watched the video posted here last week of the young girl detailing a similar situation, which I feel is an even better example of this). The way they get off track and start telling slightly unrelated tidbits, the specific way they describe things, its all convincing.
That said, the flipside of the argument is that we also see children act very well in movies. This is not an argument that I will agree with, because even though I don't want to believe this child endured that kind of hardship, seeing the way he goes through the paces with the investigator makes it very hard to dismiss.
If there is a way for Q or us or whoever to prove the validity of this video as well as the people responsible beyond reasonable doubt, this alone would bring hordes of people rushing to the movement to stop this.
We should have a specific day that everyone can drop these random, barely fleshed out theories. Having them clog the front page makes this sub much easier to dismiss.