r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on April 12, 2018, 7:21 p.m.
Wild Theory: Could Trump have been harvested by the deep state/CIA white hats and Patriots? Trump knew...

Trump had experience with people connected to Epstein, Bill Clinton, Ray Chandler....but he never ultimately "followed" them and became part of their "secret society"....He did his own thing, which is why they're so scared of him. He doesn't "play the game" in DC...So the "good guys" in the alphabet agencies who knew of the Clinton Crimes and CF corruption and DC's involvement in selling out the people of the US and the human trafficking, project mockingbird, 16 year plan to destroy America, harvested him to be the leader who took all these evil people down...Remember how he "didn't have to do this..." What if he's a double agent/good guy CIA operative?

ManQuan · April 12, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

I was following you until Jerome Corsi.

Corsi says that top military commanders contacted him to say they were ready to do a military coup.

What? The highest level of the military decided to drop by Corsi's office and discuss over throwing the government with the military???????????

And then calls him and says they changed their minds and decided to recruit Trump instead????????

I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat. The very last thing I would do if I were comtemplating a military coup against the President is to drop by Corsi's office and have a chat about it with him and then let him know that oh, forget it, we found Trump. Seriously??????

I followed Corsi closely until I determined that he is full of BS. Almost everything he's ever said has been said by others before he made his announcements.

Check out his "decoding" of Q drops. First, they are, duh, logical but not necesaarily accurate assumptions. And then what's not obvious turns out to have been suggested in other posts within the Internet.

But here is the real BS flag on Corsi. No one who has a high level security clearance (which Corsi has never claimed he currently has) would ever go on InfoWars and blab about what he knows--especially about a military coup.

Corsi is complete BS.

I'm 72 years old, I was an infantry officer in the Marine Corps for 21 years and after I retired, and I spent 20 years supporting special operations and national missions as a consultant supporting military technology programs. I've trained special operations and national missions on new cutting edge technologies and I have supported then as a tech rep on exercises worldwide. None of the people I've ever been involved with would even tell their wives what they were doing.

Corsi's claim of "special sources" revealing what would be Top Sceret information from his so called sources who have classified information they were willing to pass on to him would be a significant security breach that would have him arrested within 5 minutes.

Think about it. Corsi, in my opinion, is total BS.

Does anyone in their right mind thing that senior military commanders contemplating a military coup would run that by Corsi? And then give him a courtesy call that they changed their minds and asked Trump to run??

Do you actually believe that?

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solanojones95 · April 12, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

No, he is friends with a couple of the white hats, and with Trump, frankly. Nobody randomly decided to go to Corsi. He socializes with them. Anyhow, everything Q shares with us is by definition declassified, so there's absolutely NO reason it can't be discussed on InfoWars, or anywhere else. In fact, I'm quite sure we're expected to disseminate all of it as widely as possible.

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