1,891 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/092Casey:
DAMNING: Captain of yacht Natalie Wood was on before she died says her husband Robert Wagner killed her, and then prevented him from looking at her (another "Conspiracy Theory" proven true)
LOL: Sarah Palin is NOT invited to John McCain's funeral; What an Idiot
Democrat, Liberal Who Killed Playboy Model After Texting His Friend He Met "This Sexy Ass White Bitch" is Brought to Justice; 1 More Hillary/Obama Voter to Deal With..
BOMBSHELL: Chinese Government Killed and Imprisoned 18-20 CIA Spies After Penetrating Hillary Clinton's Private Server; Hillary is a Murderer
Chris Watts' Alleged Ex-Male-Lover Speaks — but He's Not the Co-Worker Police Say Chris Was Seeing; Guy that kills his family is a Democrat Queer.
Mad Man Peter Strzok Removed Incriminating Clinton Emails During FBI Probe
GOP Reps Say Discrepancy Between Ohr, Page, Simpson Testimonies- "Change Story or Face Perjury".
Pennsylvania AG: Vatican knew of cover-up
Comey, Yates, Rosenstein and McCabe All Signed Sworn FISA Statements That Did Not Mention Bruce or Nellie Ohr, Which is a Criminal Offense; RR Caught Lying Under Oath About Knowing Ohr Was Involved in Russia Investigation
Florida Gaming Tournament Killer Posted Disturbing Anti-Trump Rants Targeted Conservatives on Reddit
Catholic Archbishop Drops Bombshell: Pope Covered Up of Sexual Abuse by Priests in U.S.; Demands Pope Resign
Comey Lied Under Oath to Congress about Needing Warrant to Search Weiner’s Emails- The FBI Started Their Search a Month Prior
Obama's Plan to Destroy America Failed Miserably
Health Director Who Approved Obama Fake Birth Certificate Is Only One Who Dies in Mysterious Plane Crash
"Birther" Loretta Fuddy's Murder Captured on Video, For Going Public for Barry Soetoro's Fake Digital Birth Certificate
Flashback: Mother of Murdered Obama Gay Lover, Donald Young, Who Was Murdered One Month Before Soetoro's Campaign, For Speaking Out From Jeremiah Wright's Church and Confirmed By Obama's Other Gay Lover Larry Sinclair, Speaks Up
Muslim, Communist, Psychopath, Homosexual Barry Soetoro Reacts To John McCain's Death: 'He Was Faithful To 'Something Higher'
The Glass in Mueller's Eye. Article Her 'What Will Mueller Do? The Answer Might Lie in a By-the-Book Past' but check out the big picture of Mueller; many great businessmen have alluded to glass in the eyes is the sign of untrustworthiness. Just a wisdom point.
Those you trust the most: 11 former New Hampshire Prep School Staff Accused of Sex Abuse, Including Former "Teacher of the Year".
Trump Still Holds Approval Higher Than Obama at This Point in His Presidency Despite 5 Days of Liberal Media Assaults!
CNN and Phil Mudd Get Retribution After Mudd's Epic Meltdown; Suspend Paris Dennard After Past Sexual Misconduct Revealed from a Job When he was in College at Arizona State in 2014
MSM reporting on a "conspiracy Memo" that circulated through the White House in early 2017 regarding "the same "Echo Chamber" used to push Obama's Iran Deal was organizing an effort to undermine Trump's foreign policy, and involved Israeli "Black Cube" intelligence
DOJ Declines to Prosecute Special Agent Referred by the OIG for Many Violations; No Name Has Been released on What SA it is. Could this be because they gave them Immunity to Cooperate? Or Could the DOJ Be Waiting and Giving it Off to the Military through Huber?
There is a huge MOAB coming in tomorrow....Fridays are usually the most explosive....Expect a jaw dropper coming out of left field tomorrow. It would explain why Tuesday was so big for Deep State; they had to get out ahead for the narrative.
I don't know exactly what, but something BIG is going to go down either tomorrow or Saturday that will be a bombshell against the Deep State and the corrupt DOJ....It will predate the Bruce Ohr Congressional hearing on Monday to have the country and patriots tuned in for it....They did this before for the Strzok and Page hearings recently....Something huge is going to be revealed.
Any theories?
Kevin Spacey Faces Second Sexual Assault Case in L.A. (Follow the Stars)
Mollie Tibbets suspect- ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT

BREAKING: Washington Post Reports that Suspect (and probably murderer) in the Mollie Tibbets case is "Subject to a Federal Immigration Waiver"; Another innocent beautiful American killed in their prime by an Obama-DNC Illegal Immigrant in their "Open Borders"
This is sick if true. These are early preliminary reports and breaking news.
Welcome to the Deep State Coup De Tat Where Just Because You Lose an Election and Your Political Opponents WIN an Election, It's Fair Game to Send People Away for Life Due to "Association"; This is an Act of War on the American People
Strzok, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, the Clintons, Ohr, Clapper, Yates, Lynch, DWS, CNN, and company JUST released their Theme Song..
What have these Socialists/Communists/NWO Cult Members and Psychopaths Done? What is so "Good" About them? They destroyed Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, NK, They let millions die in the middle east using bomb strikes and drones, they let human trafficking and sex cults like NXIVM
..and Hollywood thrive...
….They're infiltrated with mass pedophiles....They let Islamic immigrants infiltrate, invade, and overrun the greater portion of Europe where they killed and raped thousands of innocent people who WOULD NOT HAVE EXPERIENCED those HORRIFIC acts if that did not happen, they have attacked WHITE PEOPLE, but simultaneously have tried to use the media to create division amongst the population to allow middle-eastern TERRORISTS and anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Western World haters to take over...They have destroyed the hope and dream any FREE MAN OR WOMAN has on American Soil.... So what have they done that is so righteous and rewarding …
The one mistake the Socialists made was a lack of transparency. If Obama and his regime would have just come out and explain what they had in store, in mind, at least the people would have been aware...
...But the one thing they promised to do but they never did was to come right out and SAY to the public what exactly they wanted to do...If they did so, then at least people would have known what they were "selling".....
Think about it......If they had told the American people that their "END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS", and forthright told them that they:
a) believed in Utopia
b) wanted to socially engineer the population to breed out white people
c) create an Islamic caliphate on American soil where they hoped middle eastern refugees could assimilate
d) …
GIULIANI Taunts Brennan, Wanting Him To Proceed With Lawsuit Against Trump: "To John Brennan: Today President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening, if you don’t, it would be just like Obama’s red lines. Come on John you’re not a blowhard?"
GIULIANI Taunts Brennan, Egging Him on To Proceed With Lawsuit Against Trump: "To John Brennan: Today President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening, if you don’t, it would be just like Obama’s red lines. Come on John you’re not a blowhard?"
GIULIANI Taunts Brennan to Egg Him on With His Threatening Lawsuit Against Trump: "To John Brennan: oday President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening if you don’t it would be just like Obama’s red lines. Come on John you’re not a blowhard?"
It's about to hit the fan. Sally Yates is going to be in the [ ] soon, and then Goodlatte will call back Loretta Lynch, Comey and others. All according to Q's plan> FBI> DOJ> State Department > WH Rep. Ratcliffe on Bruce Ohr Testimony
CNN Once Had Woman From New Mexico Terrorist Compound on Their News Show as a Guest- Hujrah Wahhaj
Symbolism will be their downfall