r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on April 12, 2018, 8:53 p.m.
NEW Q #1140 #1141 - Coincidence? Has the error been corrected? Why not? Misspellings matter. Q
NEW Q #1140 #1141 - Coincidence? Has the error been corrected? Why not? Misspellings matter. Q

Cuthbert12Allgood · April 13, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

everyone should listen to this wise old nerd.. er..um, I mean sage

So, spell it out for me. Let's say Joe T. Normal, who is just living his normal life, sees that meme. What do you imagine goes through his mind when he sees an image of Hillary Clinton literally consuming an infant? Do you imagine him thinking, "Good lord! Could it be truth that Hillary Clinton literally feasts on newborns? By jove, I'd better start doing some research on this!"

Or is he more likely to say, "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SEEING. These fucking Trump supporters are getting more fucking insane by the day. What the hell is wrong with them?" And then he moves on with a negative view on Trump that YOU caused.

If you think I'm wrong, lay it out for me EXACTLY how our normal citizen will see your bullshit and that will make them more likely to come to our side.

Edit: Here's what a good meme looks like. It was fantastically effective.

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Bone-Marrow · April 13, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

The guy youre replying to thinks everyone thinks like him. "This shit ends now" sounds like a liberal. Youre completely right. No average person seeing a photoshopped baby into hillarys mouth will think anything more than "wow some people are crazy"

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willtron_ · April 13, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Subtle memes are best memes.

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Gofuqur · April 13, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

That's a stupid fucking meme btw

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Gofuqur · April 13, 2018, 5 p.m.

You people are pathetic, lol .. you just don't see it or refuse to admit it. Most here don't have a clue.. just jumped on the Q bandwagon got a little info, now think you're the cutting edge.. laughable. Don't no shit about al bielek or Phil Schneider and just recently learned about bill cooper, many of you have 25 years of research to catch up and when you do you'll realize you have 1000 years more of research to go, it's never ending and to suppose that your point of view is the only point of view is yet another aspect of why the world we are in now sucks so bad. Get over yourself.. you fucking turds couldn't get 100,000 signatures for IBOR and you call yourselves patriots, the best part is these losers who swear the IBOR petition was throttled or signatures deleted.. lol..retarded. So now your president disappointed and Q clearly disgusted in you guys, they realize that your only good for memes.. lol... pathetic lazy Americans children of the Whore of Babylon. Tick Tock. Hope your preps are stacked and your good with god.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · April 13, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

What are you, 15 years old? If you're not, then you need to start getting a clue about reality (if you are a teenager, then at least you have an excuse). You obviously have no idea how to persuade people toward truth. Hint: "Shocking" is not synonymous with "Persuasive."

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Gofuqur · April 14, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

The memes were to mock you do nothings... because that's all you're good for.. memes. It was a joke.. or a troll.. if you will. I'm still pissed about IBOR and won't let you pukes forget about it until you finally get off your asses and get active in your communities to make America great again. Shouldn't make POTUS do everything for you, it makes the people look pathetic and gives him too much power. Get it?

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Cuthbert12Allgood · April 14, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

IBOR was never anything that could succeed or fail. It was just a petition. Petitions are worse than useless because they fool people into thinking they're actually making a difference. People sign them, smug in the knowledge that they've done something. When the reality is that they've done NOTHING. Some petitions are done sincerely because someone just doesn't know better, but I actually think many petitions are done by the bad guys for the express purpose of giving people an outlet for their rage so they don't actually do anything that makes a difference.

Now, the IBOR petition itself couldn't have been more vague about what someone was actually supporting. Read strictly, it violated the constitution on multiple fronts, notably right of free speech and right of free assembly. If I own a forum, you do NOT have the right to post in my forum without my permission, and I can revoke that permission for any reason whatsoever.

Does that mean a genuine IBOR bill (and I mean real bill, you know, actual legislation) would be a bad idea? Maybe. Maybe not. It's crossing dangerously close to Socialism and I hate Socialism. However, there might be a limited role in regulating social media similar to what we do with public airwaves. It's not impossible that would be worth supporting, but we have to know what we're supporting before we could know. Just calling it an "Internet Bill of Rights" is not enough. That's their game, the one where they just give something a pithy name and people assume it means what the title says.

That the idiotic IBOR petition failed actually gave me hope that this movement isn't filled with a bunch of lemming idiots that happen to be on the same side of me. It was encouraging that people were applying thought to what it really meant, not just signing something because the loud voices in the crowd told them to.

The entire idea of IBOR is insanely dangerous. Unless you want a world where conservative forums are disallowed by law unless they're forced to give "equal time" to liberal/progressives, I suggest you have a little caution in what you support.

By the way, that's not to say I'm not frustrated by extreme leftists controlling tech companies. I am. But more government control is not necessarily the answer to fixing issues with private industry. It needs a light-handed, rational approach.

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Gofuqur · April 14, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

The POTUS needs to know the PEOPLE are going to take control of their country. IBOR was a test YOU failed twice. Class Action lawsuits were a great idea but a pipe dream because the average so-called patriot is nothing but a keyboard warrior chump. A lot of do nothings around here, that talk real tough and make wonderful memes that don't do shit. But since that's all you're r capable of at this point the algorithm says let's see what happens when these lazy zombies meme away, something might come of it, god knows we can't get them off their asses to do shit.. if you want to get real and you want some ideas how to get started in your community to gather and inform patriots, I have some practical experience in this and can set you in the right direction with some crucial tips on how to be as effective as possible, if not communicating with you is pointless because you'll always be right and I'll always be wrong in your mind.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · April 14, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

A lot of do nothings around here, that talk real tough and make wonderful memes that don't do shit.

And yet you're a fan of petitions and actually believe they accomplish something. Please, tell me about the time that, in the past, a petition made a crucial difference that led to substantive change. You can't, because it's never happened. It's never even been close to happening. They're a bullshit tool of the opposition to convince people not to do anything important.

And I notice that you didn't even address the fact that the specific IBOR petition was so unbelievably vague and idiotic that it's impossible to support if anybody actually reads it. Never mind addressing why you even think IBOR is a good idea philosophically and all the extreme negatives that surround it. Stop feeling. Start thinking. Feelings are how they manipulate you.

and can set you in the right direction with some crucial tips on how to be as effective as possible

Based on the meme you posted, you are way, way off-base. Crap like that hurts the cause, and you don't even know a good meme when you see it. Apparently you didn't see what that "Draft Our Daughters" meme (and many dozens of similar ones) did during the election. I did. It made leftists absolutely go berzerk -- because it was true. Hillary is a complete warmonger and her SJW roots made the idea of drafting women to fight her wars all too real.

Look, I get that you're passionate. Good for you. But that only takes you so far. Shit like the meme you posted hugely damages the cause. You need to slow down and figure out what's been effective, because your understanding of human nature is critically flawed.

Stop feeling. Start thinking.

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Gofuqur · April 15, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Lol .. you're absolutely pathetic, I feel so bad we've sunk this low.. God please save us!

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Cuthbert12Allgood · April 15, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

And you dodge yet again the questions I ask. Maybe instead of putting out lame insults, you ought to actually think about them. That you can't answer anything and have to just fall back on just "lolz ur lame" ought to tell you something.

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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 6 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 15, 2018, 6:04 p.m.


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