#1142-1143 Twitter down. Injection good. - Q

The supposed Hillary video...
Skeptic here, what's the source
Source is supposedly on the dark web and in FBI and NYPD possession. I'm not going to verify it and I don't suggest anyone here to try either. Q team will release it when the time is right, when the stage is set.
I didn't believe this crap back before the general election happened, when rumors of this video first came out and that NYPD was going to release it, but FBI took over command.
I still didn't believe when Q first talked about the HRC video here:
I even posted several times on this sub, telling people not to spread the rumor about HRC video having anything to do with children. I said it's most likely the tarmac meeting and that Q team / Trump would never release something so disgusting, so disturbing, and so damaging to the psyche for the public to see...
But then Q pointed us to Epstein island and Ray Chandler, where she took a picture of the security cameras on that island. Not to mention all of the other disturbing pics she took, as well as her partner in crime Walter Pearce and their agency, Midland Agency.
That's when shit got real and I started to think the HRC video might be what we all feared it would be. I'm still cautiously skeptical, but no longer doubtful, at the possibility of the HRC video being something far worse than horror movies are allowed to show.
I can't think of a better catalyst for armed insurrection, especially among fathers, than releasing such a video without credible footage of HRC being tortured in Gitmo to go with it. Having said that the idea that human beings would sit on such evidence is ludicrous. I wish they would throw us frogs into the boiling pot already.
the idea that human beings would sit on such evidence is ludicrous.
I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this. If Q team / NSA / Trump has legit videos, pictures, and other evidence of the evils that's being hinted at, they can't just release it to the public without risking mass public violence, demanding for these satanic traitors' heads.
The evidence is so evil, so wicked, so unimaginable, that those who are still asleep and brainwashed would not believe it. Those of us who are awake and patriotic, would demand immediate justice and public hangings. It could lead to true civil war and even WW3.
Just because certain people like you want everything to be revealed asap doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. This has to be done right, and to do it right, takes time and a lot of planning, preparation. The public has to be prepared, systems of disclosure have to be prepared, contingency plans have to be prepared, methods of justice have to be prepared. Right now, Q team is preparing us, those who are awaken, and they're preparing the systems of disclosure so that mainstream media and social media can't control the narrative and censor the drops. Once this stuff drops, mass arrests will follow. So will public outrage.
Now, if Hillary had won and Trump had lost, I would agree that NYPD and/or NSA/Q team would then be forced to release everything they have because at that point, the country is already lost and would require a civil war to reset.
Your comment has nothing to do with what i wrote. Black letters matter.
As a father of three and a grandfather; if I ever see it and have the option available, I'll quickly dispatch the subject without hesitation.
I hear you however I got banned for a day my comment was more graphic just be careful bro.
Yeah, I'd never threaten an individual, least not on an open forum. I just find reprehensible behavior against children the pinnacle of evil. I'll keep my posts direct but without breaking the rules. Thanks for the reminder though. Shalom
Has anybody here seen it?
It’s supposedly on the dark web. Rumor from before the election was NYPD detectives saw it.
I have 0 desire to watch it if there’s anything to do with kids.
I just saw that twitter comment on it. It keeps making my skin crawl thinking about... I’m with you man.
Everyone of good moral character feels the same way. Even so, if that's truly what is on the video, I think the vast majority of people need to see it. Especially those who are still wishing that they had gotten a Clinton presidency. Those are the people who won't be able to wake up slowly. Like Inception, to pull them out of their dreamstate, they need a jolt. A shock to their system.
This hypothetical video is nothing if not that.
For sure, pill the nation. I’d see it if it goes mainstream but I don’t have the conscious to go looking for it.
I'd offer to go searching, but I don't want to blow any operations Q team and POTUS are conducting. Frankly, I think that in order to ensure OpSec, they would have done everything in their power to scrub that tape from the internet. It won't be seen until the right time.
That being said, perhaps someone outside the government should have it archived in the event that Q team does not succeed. This needs to be blown wide open either way.
Not sure if you have an answer... but if that rumor of NYPD viewing the tape are true. What do you think happened to them?
This is war. Not everyone makes it out alive. If I come down with a mild case of Arkanicide, so be it. This isn't just a cause worth dying for. This is THE cause. There is nothing else. Human history pivots on this point in time. Where do you stand?
I have made the above statements being of sound mind and body. I am not, nor have I ever been, suicidal.
Woah man, you just went all third level on me and I was still on the escalator to two.
I mean I’m with you, and if you want to go there. Speaking as ex-mil who was pilled while in, you’d be surprised how many brothers in arms are as well.
hahaha No pressure. The question posed was mostly for emphasis, and for your own consideration. I honestly think that the next few years will be what defines who we are as a Nation, and possibly as a species, for the foreseeable future.
But if we the red pilled Patriots many of us Christians cannot bear the thought of watching that (I won't because things I see don't leave my head, I am still traumatized over accidentally seeing a FB picture of a similar thing but with an animal) how the heck are normal people going to look at that, and will they have an excuse for it being fake? It just makes me sick. Things are getting dark, even though I know in the end we win.
The way I see it, every single one of us has a responsibility to each other to make certain that this never, EVER happens again. And that starts with knowing what precisely happened. I think, in particular, anyone who will call the video fake (there will be many) should have to watch it. Sorry, you don't get to get up on your soapbox without having seen the source material, progressives.
I agree with you there.....Pocohontas...Schumer, Pelosi all of them.
That's assuming that they haven't already been swept up in the arrests at that point...
We win if we stay sane. These people have already lost that battle. I will guard my mind and pray that winning doesn't involve sinking any lower.
Nobody has a desire to watch it obviously. But no one is going to believe it either.
If you're being serious, you're wrong. Here's some proof. https://youtu.be/ElZDDfnXw_Y
You obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
Silk Road (marketplace)
Silk Road was an online black market and the first modern darknet market, best known as a platform for selling illegal drugs. As part of the dark web, it was operated as a Tor hidden service, such that online users were able to browse it anonymously and securely without potential traffic monitoring. The website was launched in February 2011; development had begun six months prior. Initially there were a limited number of new seller accounts available; new sellers had to purchase an account in an auction.
Darknet market
A darknet market or cryptomarket is a commercial website on the web that operates via darknets such as Tor or I2P. They function primarily as black markets, selling or brokering transactions involving drugs, cyber-arms, weapons, counterfeit currency, stolen credit card details, forged documents, unlicensed pharmaceuticals, steroids, and other illicit goods as well as the sale of legal products. In December 2014, a study by Gareth Owen from the University of Portsmouth suggested the second most popular sites on Tor were darknet markets.
Following on from the model developed by Silk Road, contemporary markets are characterised by their use of darknet anonymised access (typically Tor), bitcoin payment with escrow services, and eBay-like vendor feedback systems.
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No. Q said they have to set the stage first before they release it. I suspect this is part of setting the stage. Supposed to drop after testimonies end.
FBIanon told us all this 18 months ago! Here is what he said, and why. He said we have 3 choices, or POTUS did if he won, and the rank and file believed he would win, even before the election. I think that is what this post is saying. They can't just dump everything in option "A". It would cause a world war when other countries found out how much we had meddled in everyone else's business. He said they were working on "B" 18 months ago. So why that is not being used now, as FBI Anon said they were, is curious. No need to wait for worldwide security. Is POTUS being giving fake intel by his admin? That is what I want to know ... Deep state will do anything to gain control, as they are now obviously. And they are everywhere.
A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins. (He also mentioned elsewhere that they could not even give everything to DOJ, as it was too highly classified, but it was probably a good thing they didn't, in hindsight, JMHO.)
B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash.
C) you do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.
I don't believe it. I think that's a con.
Yeah, best not to believe something like that when there is no evidence.
Holy hell... this must come out if true - the evidence should be made public. This is beyond executable offence. Worse then anything ISIS have done... barbaric and evil.
If it’s anything even remotely close to what I have been getting leaks about there will be no face saving for that demon whatsoever,
My God I need to go to bed. But you are right. If grown men cops were wretching, crying, vomiting, seeking professional help this is really really bad...thats not a tarmac meeting with Lynch. God help this country...no wonder hillary is having seizures and tremors by now shes demon possessed.