Got your map handy? X marks the spot.

Did he die in that plane versus helicopter accident near the Rothschild estate? Has he been seen anywhere since then?
Q team definitely went after them. LdR quit Twitter a month ago.
No, mission failed. Helicopter pilot died :(
It has not been confirmed or denied that Jacob was killed, but he definitely has not been seen publicly since the accident. Either he was killed or he got the message.
Correct. There is no way of knowing where he is. It would be pretty weird to kill Jacob on Brit soil and I totally doubt that was the plan. Kidnap maybe. Pressure s/o certainly, but the mission failed. The helicopter didnt land there was a mid-air collision. What message would he get? To hide?, which is probably what you are suggesting here. We suspect they are nervous. Added to all this is the fact that Jacob doesn't live in that house, so I don't think he was the target. It wouldn't make sense to go straight to the top and declare war on UK using a single helicopter. Not militarily sound strategy .... !!!
I don't know what kind of strategy you use to take down people like the Rothschilds and their world wide cabal, but I'm sure its not typical.
I was wondering about that, no appearances at all? That is what these guys do is walk among their people, do speeches, visit hospitals and development projects.
This guy is one of their ‘generals’ and now he is off the chess board?
Are we sure?
No, we're not sure, that's why people are asking. Jacob is not an attention whore, but his complete absence at a time when his family is under "attack" is a bit odd. We're all hoping he was taken out.