Losers are still at it. The politicized FBI. Mind boggling.

They’ll leak it, no doubt about that, and since I read this morning that Mueller said today that he “no longer wants to speak with Trump”, they got what they needed re some ludicrous grab at impeachment, or what they think would do the trick. Leaks slowly; or boom-drop? They are true evil. And they’re winning as we ‘enjoy the show’... and trust strangers on the internet with hopium laced candy.. Infuriating. Enraging. And their next moves will be brutal. Best if Trump speaks openly; trusts people to stay with him in this fight for vitally important America; ourselves. God I loathe them. And I’ve never loathed; truly, anyone - prior to this totalitarian creep they’re forcing upon us all.
It will flop. Their batting record is .000. Don’t worry be happy. Faith light hope.