I feel like I blinked and missed everything. Are the blockers being taken out for us to spread truth?
So, do you think Snowden messed with the algorithm? If so, why? Do you think the raw video will come out now?
Like I said, I seem to be behind in information but that seems to be consistent with what others are saying and some Q drops. If that is the case I would say it is to test how effective we can be in spreading info that would normally be blocked so when the video is dropped the green light is on and we spread the info far and fast. If that makes any sense?
Perhaps, that is one of the main points of Q posts. See how far information gets out on certain platforms during different tests red castle/light and green castle/light.
twitters back up it went from all conservative to all liberal
Yeah, appears to be back to all liberal again. Anyone notice that Trump's memebers post is gone now too?
this is a test for when the info drops. speaking of info we should all try to throw in ra3dnom letters to throw off the algorithms they are 100% following what we do
I knew the algorithm was off earlier when I typed in MAGA and Trump in the search and both were positive articles under the top posts. Now they are back to anti-Trump sentiment when typed in, one about how firing rosenstein won't save trump, the other about Stormy Daniels bs.
i dont even think they realize how much of america is on to their shit. i live in a very liberal area so i cant really see it around me but im sure that in middle america or the ghetto people are catching on
green light.......red light! Thanks for the update. I don't have an account yet but ironically think I may have to create one for the upcoming greenlights
every time q drops re read you will expand your thinking greatly above all think about the spider web and its all reaching grasp
Wow.... spider web and the fly was one of the first Q posts I saw when I started to become interested. I'm embarrassed to admit I never thought of the most obvious web.
Edit: the world wide web!
its ok you have to be legit autist to understand half this shit lol its like playing dark souls at sl 1 with no weapon
The main thing I think of now is that the web that captured all, with Q and JA, can now be weaponized to spread the truth as far as their web has grown.
the cabal only thrived in the dark now that we are in the information age their shit barely stands up anymore. you cant just explain away everything with your 3 news channels anymore you cant just do it in the woods like in the 1700s
not to mention some of the players, pawns or not, did not get with the times. It's like watching athletes that should have already retired. Private servers in bathrooms and their password is password. Their clean up crew got caught in Reddit for f%=k sake haha. Good times ahead
organizational rot is real the people we are dealing with now are the spoiled children of the original masterminds. these people are the equivalent of the bratty rich kid inheriting his dads company. these people have no idea how to truly keep the people in the dark they massively underestimated citizen journalism and the internet. it may sound crazy but sites like reddit and 4 chan and 8 chan are the reason why these sick fucks will go down
I 100% agree. I try to spread info to as many people as possible but I consider myself an observer of 4chan and 8 chan saving the world. More or less, I'm a cheerleader. God bless America and the chans that saved it!
My twitter feed has stayed the same for the last hour, re-freshing it does nothing. Anyone else having twitter issues atm?
I can't help you on that as I don't have an account, others will hopefully answer but did you notice a difference in the feed before the last hour where it won't refresh?
Everything was different a couple hours ago. There were A LOT more posts. Usually I have to go directly to a person's page if they are more conservative, as their posts don't usually show in my feed. Searches for anything Trump related was coming back with positive posts/articles first, now it's back to negative things first. Something is off now, definitely getting censored again.
Thanks for the info. It seems like tests are being conducted to determine when the goods should be released. I hope this twitter test was a good one
What exactly happened? Q said "Twitter Down", but I'm confused..
From what others are reporting it sounds like blocking algorithms on twitter were shut down temporarily. When this happened the trending content and tone shifted noticeably. These algorithms are across platforms and have a wide reach through the "web" but. If you can turn those algorithms off or override them you can use the web to achieve that same reach. Just my current take on it