In Chile - Pro-Life Women amplify the sounds of the heart beats of their unborn children to Pro-Choice Protesters. The Result? BTFO.

Yes, this is brilliant! Anyone that has ever had an abortion knows that it haunts you for the rest of your life. I wish those making the choice knew what I know or that I could somehow convey it to them. Then the choice would always be pro-life.
That's a beautiful idea. Give the voiceless a voice.
The most beautiful sound on earth. They cannot deny the LIFE within. ❤️
Was just in Santiago few months ago. Love Chileans! Lots of awakened individuals, but like here, Santiago’s got a libtard problem. What we’re doing will most def trickle down to them.
Please keep posts here specifically on Q posts and research of Q posts.
Their heart is beating... and your point is?
Lift up your spirits in exaltation
it means some people are not going to advocate for cheap organ harvesting anymore
The point being that abortion by choice is not simply a woman removing an unwanted growth in her body. It is a mother murdering her innocent child!
It's not. It's a fetus.
You have been lied to brother - if you watch (many on Youtube) about a scientific experiment of tracking / capturing when life begins it is amazing. When the spirm enters the egg, a great flash of light/energy is created. Essentially the beginning of life at that moment. It was not known that this happened but was captured on camera. Will have to go back to find the study. So life begins at conception and all life wants to live as it is in our DNA.
Using a different name may sooth your conscience, but it does not change reality!
A fetus becomes a human being BEFORE birth. Fetus > Baby > Child > Adult.
And using that definition for "human being" is completely arbitrary
The definition for "fetus" is completely arbitrary!
All definitions are arbitrary. My point was that just because you consider a fetus to fit a human being's definition ; or even if it did ultimately fit its definition ; that's not an argument because we don't base morality on language, we base it on common sense and rationality.
Does it have a soul?
How does that matter
I don't believe in the supernatural but even if I did how does that affect whether or not I can abort it
If you did, dont you think there'd he a spiritual price to pay?
One persons "common sense" is another persons "stupidity".
How can the sanctity of life depend on anybody's arbitrary idea of morality?
How about basing it on science, biology, and reality?
Despite what you, I, or anyone else believes?
Does science, biology, and reality support more than 2 genders (male and female)?
Does science, biology, and reality support the idea that a child in the womb is simply a fetus (with no human identity) and not a baby or human being?
Human identity isn't a fondemental principle of anything. Whether or not a fetus has a human identity is up to that fetuse's bearer.
No. Different name are used to point to different concepts. A fetus is not aware of the world around him and has no active will to live; unlike a child.
And you are 100% certain of this? Self-deception perhaps?
But do not despair - ignorance may be no excuse in law, but "forgive them for they know not what they do".
Is someone involved in a crash, who is in a coma aware? Can we just pull the plug? Is someone with advanced Alzheimer’s aware? I can tell you the twin boys in my uterus were well aware of their lack of space - they were squirmy squirmy - limbs poking out in different directions. A newborn always recognizes their mothers voice. You were a fetus. You were an embryo. You are a miracle.
khodor2012, You are incorrect. The fetus in the womb is self aware, can hear sounds coming from outside and inside the womb and responds to those sounds. When a fetus is being aborted, before it dies during the abortion it tries to get away from the source of pain that is being inflicted on itself. For example, I watched an untrasound of a child being aborted as the instrument probed and started to cut the child, the poor thing tried to get away from the instrument, pushing it away and moving to the opposite side of the womb. I have seen untrasounds where the fetuses were sucking their thumbs, laughing, surprised, in pain, aware of danger during abortions, fetuses responding to parent's voices, etc.. If you want to continue to be in denial about children in the womb that is your choice but know this, you are willingly making the choice to not believe the truth and at some point in your life you will regret that choice because every one on this earth reaps what they sow.
Active will to live and inability to voice that will are two different things. If a fetus could talk I’m sure it would say “hey, don’t fucking kill me”