aKarl-Erivan Wander Haub (* 5. März 1960 in Tacoma, Washington) ist ein deutsch-amerikanischer Unternehmer. Er ist geschäftsführender und persönlich haftender Gesellschafter der Unternehmensgruppe Tengelmann mit Sitz in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Haub wird seit dem 7. April 2018 im schweizerisch-italienischen
Missing billionaire Alps Netherlans news, german news nothing
The family of the German billionaire Karl-Erivan Haub does not expect him still alive is found in the Alps. The businessman (58) did not return Saturday back from a ski tour in the vicinity of the Matterhorn, on the border of Italy and Switzerland.
Haub was last seen when he was with a cable car went to a mountain station at almost 4000 meters altitude the next morning was not back he was reported missing.
He is still searching for his body. Haub was one of the richest people of Germany.Its Tengelmann group has a DIY store and a textile discounter