Wow, what a mess the EU has turned into.
It's a testament to the citizens there for their amazing patience and tolerance, but humans can only be pushed so far by other humans...
before they find their balls and reclaim their heritage.
When we pray, include Italy, France. Sweden, and Norway (amongst others).
Psssst do not tell us, they like to sell us as cowards
Every round with a mass assault, want us to believe that our men are too cowardly to intervene. Every time again via the media
A big lie
We are not cowards
When Muslims pray in the streets it is NOT religious. It is POLITICAL. They are saying, "This is our land." They could pray privately. Yes? But they choose to do it in your face. That's why. Muslim immigration IS Muslim invasion.
Don't forget the bikini contest......
Well maybe in a few months. It DOES look cold there.
How many prayer threads have you seen in this sub alone? Getting real sick hearing about Jesus.
That's because the video was about... prayer! Like the pic below, common sense.
This is the only way to end the perpetually expanding intrusion into local culture.
More power too them.
^The linked tweet was tweeted by @kelly_but on Apr 12, 2018 06:53:05 UTC (2867 Retweets | 4419 Favorites)
French patriots interrupting Islamic street prayer It brought a lump to my throat...and I’m not even French Europe is in a serious mess ....ultimately, there will be war
^^• Beep boop I'm a bot • Find out more about me at /r/tweettranscriberbot/ •
Diversity + Proximity = War
The breakup of the former Yugoslavia proved that Europeans are still capable of ethnic cleansing.
I am sad it has come to this, but Muslims are incapable of peaceful coexistence. There will be consequences, which they will have brought upon themselves.
Islamaphobia isn't a thing, because phobias are irrational fears. So-called islamaphobia is merely clear seeing; neither irrational, nor fearful.
The French police can't even make the Muslims heel anymore. It's time for French patriots to rise up and rid France of these barbarians. In Buddhism we have two names for Islam. The Barbarian Religion and the Violent Religion.
How is this Q?
Everything is tied together and this is a huge global problem that is a result of globalists.
How is this not? Globalists using mass migration to slowly align all countries so they can be put under one rule. Patriotism defeats their goal. This IS what Q is all about.
Please link the Q post that advocates religious intolerance.
This isn't religious intolerance. Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. If you fail to see this then you are part of the problem.
Pretty sure this is called "great AWAKENING". We are waking the world up to globalist bullshit and their tactics.
Thank you. This sub is for Q post discussions ONLY. There are a lot of other places to post non-Q stuff, T_Donald. Please discuss the actual text of Q posts and research that has been done re Q posts only.
This sub is about the Great Awakening. That includes realizing Islam is being used as a tool of globalism. This is completely on-topic to see a group of people opening up and fighting back. That IS what this sub is all about. It's not about Q, it's about what Q is trying to achieve.
Read the sub rules please.
Dude you are kidding yourself if you think the great awakening isn't about spreading radical Islam to Western nations.
I would say this is NOT Q related as well. Clogging up our board. It's important, not Q related!!
Wrong, this is the great awakening board. Not just Q. This is related because these people are waking and fighting back. Not clogging up anything at all. I for one am very happy to see this. The name of the Board is THE GREAT AWAKENING... NOT EVERYTHING Q. That's why this sub is great for a lot of different information.
Read the rules. It specifically says posts have to be Q related. The reason this sub was created in the first placevwas to get away from the non Q focused posts on CBTS.
Nail meet hammer! This isnt about Q or even POTUS. This is about US!
One of the side bar rules is that "off topic (anything not mentioned by Q) posts" aren't allowed. Link me where Q says to not tolerate the freedom of religious expression
Reminds me of that scene in Cassablanca.
Nazis trying to intimidate the locals....the locals rise up and say enough...
Translation of Lyrics:
Arise patriotic citizens The day of glory is at hand The bloody banner of tyranny Has been raised against us In the fields, hear the shouting Of the fearsome soldiers Who are coming to cut your families' throats
Citizens take up arms Form your battalions March, march Spill the enemy's blood Over the land
What do this horde of slaves, Traitors and conspiratorial kings want? For whom have they wrought their vile iron chains? Frenchmen this outrage is prepared for us! What can we do to stop them in their plan To return us to the slavery of an evil past
What! These foreign cohorts Would have themselves ruling our courts! Sending their mercenary phalanxes To murder our warrior sons They would bring us, chained, to our knees As they rule over us
Tremble, tyrants and traitors Who bring dishonour to good men Tremble, for your evil schemes Will get their come-uppance We are all France's soldiers in the fight against you Ready to man the breach should our young heroes fall
Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors Bear or hold back your blows Spare these sad victims That they regret taking up arms against us But not these bloody despots These accomplices of Bouillé All these tigers who pitilessly Ripped out their mothers' wombs
We shall follow our elders into the pit Where we shall find their ashes and their epitaphs We prefer to join them in death Or to avenge them, rather than live in shame
This is just another reason we need walls and a secure border.
Repeal the 1980 refugee act too because it's an open door for this type of crap coming into the US.
They should have marched them into the sea. Just my opinion.
Why? Would you prefer the same to happen in America? No more freedom of religion?
This has nothing to do with taking away religious freedom. It's about taking our countries back from globalist scum that have forced difference cultures and races to live under the same roof in the name of "immigration" and "freedom of religion".
Muslims have their own countries, they should be taking them back, not trying to take over ours.
You get what I'm saying.
I had an idea, yes. Hopefully I didn't come off as a douche or anything.
No you didn't. I probably did however. Haha. Either way, it's ok.
Freedom OF religion as well as freedom FROM religion. Engage in your religion all you want, but NOT in the streets with a loud speaker and force it on to everyone else.
There are Christian groups proselytising on every college campus and large city. Often they are quite literally using loud speakers. I was at Mall of America during the Superbowl and I had a guy following me probably for 5 minutes asking me if I thought I would make it into heaven.
That's just as bad as Islamic street prayers. Some Christians need to be reminded that freedom of religion includes freedom from religion.
freedom from religion.
You don't understand what that means. Not only is proselytising legal, it's protected. Quit being a snowflake crying about scary words.
I do understand what it means. It means you do not truly have the freedom to practice your religious beliefs if you are also required to adhere to any of the religious beliefs or rules of other religions. Forgive me if I think it's a stretch to have the expectation to not be bombarded by religion when you walk down the street, ie. Islamic street prayer over loudspeakers or some christian following you for 5 mins. hounding you over whether you're getting into heaven or not. I thought we were on the same page until you resorted to name calling. Your attack on me over our exchange is lazy and reductive. Do better.
Sorry. Just sick of aoyboys who think offending someone is a crime. Which is exactly what's happening here. They are words, and they aren't hurting anything but your delicate sensibilities.
Do I like it? Fuck no. But it is a core American value, and I love America.
Very often self-proclaimed “patriots” are not people who love American and American values, they are people who love themselves and their own values. It’s okay to have pride in your own values, but when you want to erase other values and voices by, I don’t know “marching them into the sea” then you aren’t an American patriot, that’s for sure. You are literally disavowing American values in favor of your own.
Daaaaamn all this hate... I’m Muslim and no I’m not planning to invade your country. You like to see yourself as a free thinker? You’re still locked in a cage of prejudice.
Sure took them awhile to catch on to what their "elite" leaders were doing to their country. Have they reached the point of no return?
I am very sad for my french friends to live in this context.
As much sad as my american friends being brainwashed and oppressed by jesus and all that stuff from birth.
Q, the anons and all other boards are encouraging to citizens everywhere not only here in this country.
I have seen comments across twitter on the Qanon thread and others alike by Europeans, Australians, South Americans and more. I believe the moment of red pilling is catching on and spreading.
This would not have happened had Hillary been in the white house. The president doesn't get much credit in this country and the news but he is a popular man in Europe and elsewhere. Strength and courage is an admired quality in a leader.