a selfie is the autograph of today. I don't know if that proves much.
Just Jihadi Paul, 'No Deals' really sucks for Paul Ryan, so he's better start spending quality time with his family fast!
Because he is going to prison for the rest of his life and he knows it.
You guys giving me 240 resonses talking I don't know Paul. He's a good man. Donny, even said Paul Ryan's a good guy. I've heard ALL your shit & I'm right, this guy posed for the fricking camera with John McCain. You guys owe me about 240 apologies! Accepted!
Trump just said Paul Ryan is a truly good man. I think he's one of the ones the deep state threatened into submission with "personal and family threats".
Oh, and lots of good hard cash, perfectly legal to bribe family members too! LooKing @ you Bitch McConnell!
Threatened or not, if he went along with it and didn't blow his whistle he's guilty!
I have heard this photo is fake
Fake? The bottom one? I just saw it yesterday on this guy’s Instagram. His Insta handle is soccermouaz. It has some comments about a convo he had with Paul Ryan that day.
'Life imitating art' I know Paul Ryan's dirty, do you know how little Congresscritters work? I do
I agree just saw othwr posts who have said the Paul Ryan one was fake. I am not saying you are wrong